Friday, October 13, 2006


Fell asleep at the wheel this week and forgot to post links to the scoreboards... they are up now.

And I will not do or say anything to jinx said scoreboard... which is looking very good for someone...


New Texan said...

actually mg... i was speaking of myself... at one point, beem, tway and baddeley were all near the top, and I have the three of them.

but... good start for jg also!

New Texan said...

10 days? I'd be dead after 5.

You guys gamble?

New Texan said...

What a lucky kid! I wish my parents did that!

JS said...

Vegoose. New Tex, did you get your WSOP money in. They are taking spots now. I'll throw 2K in for a 20% share of your winnings.

New Texan said...

You'd be better off giving me 2 grand to play cash games with... the WSOP is like playing the lottery now...

Put Tex in a ring game though...