Monday, October 16, 2006

UPDATE 10/16/06

Here's your update for this week... I looked at the spreadsheet last week, and we should be good to go... as you boys know "the only score that counts is the final score" so let's not all get our panties in a wad if there is a discrepency of a point or two right now... no one wins money for leading in October. At the end of the year, I will send the final spreadsheet out to everyone (well, maybe not Fraser... what the hell is the point) and you can look at all the numbers for yourself to make sure your points add up correctly.

Jeff has stuck his head back into money position... the remaining weeks should have good battles for 1st, 3rd and... well, 5th. Shit.

Oh, and I'd like to personally congratulate Bob Tway... what an accomplishment. How many guys have you ever seen go out and shoot 63... SIXTY FUCKING THREE on the first day of a tourney, and then over the next 3 days play so poorly that he LOST GROUND ON THE MONEY LIST. Way to go you brillo headed mother %##@$%!

403 .... Da Bandit
378 .... Stevie V.
291 .... Jeff/Shades
287 .... Johnny V.
268 .... Robbo
243 .... Steve T./New Tex
239 .... Tiger Philp
234 .... Vic/Talonflier
174 .... Stan the Man
-141 .... Fraser


New Texan said...

I wouldnt worry about that bill... they will have serious enforcement issues with the big fish, and I doubt anyone is looking here. Plus, this is not online gaming... this is a blog about golf...

That said, i did clear out my onling poker account right after the bill passed.

JS said...

Sorry for the lack of new data update. I'll get that up after the Mickey Mouse Classic. For being a stay-at-home dad, I'm busier than hell lately. Got to go see a play in Downtown Charleston with 3,000 1st and 2nd graders. That was.... fun. My wife heads to Norway for a week so next week will not be much better, but I'll get the posting updates done.

New Texan said...

shades also has Dick Dick in at -7... a 1-2 sweep would help him secure some money, and maybe move up...

bocabandit said...

Yeah, Robbo, I'll give you some free analysis. Don't bet series favorites in baseball especially if they're NYC teams.

Let's Go Mets.
Let's Go Mets.
Yankmee, Yankmee
Let's Go Mets.

BTB, at this moment, the leaderboard looks like the Shades/Bandit Open. At least 7 of the top 12. Man, I'm real glad that I don't have the hectic schedule of a stay-at-home dad, but can monitor the tournament from my office.

JS said...

Well, I hade 5 horses in this event. Rose ran out of steam, Owen held steady as did Dick Dick, but Allenby and Weir forgot that they were top PGA tour players and phoned it in on Sunday. As a result, I'll likely see a net gain of maybe 2 points.