Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mahan and Trahan

What else do they have in common, other than the fact that their names sound similar and I was dumb enough to pick both of them?...

I just saw both at a bar/restaurant. What are the friggin odds? There were about a dozen Byron Nelson courtesy cars in the valet lot, and these two idiots are the players I recognize. At least they weren't drinking... much.


SteveV said...

Perhaps you should have bought them a beer or two since you didn't dump either of them in your trade.

New Texan said...

Well, they weren't sitting together so that might have been awkward.

I did tell the waitress to not expect a big tip, considering neither of them have made any money on Tour this year.

bocabandit said...

And if you go to Luby's for lunch, you'll probably see Buttertits at the buffet...again...and again