Monday, May 08, 2006

Close standings

What a year for the FPGP! A close race with almost everyone with a chance to win or at least be in the money (sans poor fu -- ing Fraser!). So, why is Robbo so confident that he'll finish 1st or 2nd??? Who knows what goes on inside the head of a Rodent? Also, early predictions haven't fared too well in the FPGP.

It's nice to see newbie, albeit homophobe, Vic, initiate this year's trading (merci et bon chance Monsieur Vic). This French has likely made his anal opening pucker up! By the way, da Boca Bandit was also on the Jazz Fest trip (a Menage a trois???).

I have also made a trade which will narrow the gap a bit. Things may get interesting ---


New Texan said...

It was Jumpin Jeff who initiated the trading, way back in February... remember teh Greg Owen pick?

SteveV said...

That wasn't as much a trade as a premature ejactulation.

New Texan said...

well, that ejaculate is worth about 100 points... i think he pulled the gun way too early on the goose but picking up owen was a good move, so far.

New Texan said...

the real problem is that he "shot his load" so to speak... he has his team for the duration now, and still is carrying dead weight in Sergio and J. Rose. When I look at the standings, I still see Jeff at the bottom, because just about everyone else can dump a player and vault over him... for instance, all i have to do is get rid of DiMarco, and my point total jumps to 220.