Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Rodent's Fate

Nice run while you had it, Robbo. But, you're about to be caught from behind. C'est destin!!!


bocabandit said...

That pretty much sums up what awaits Robbo down the road.

The pack has thickened.

New Texan said...

The pack would have been a good bit thicker if Fred Funk didn't shoot his age on Sunday.

New Texan said...

Thank you for the first real question on this blog in months...

The trade is simple... you have to pick someone who was worse than your player in 2005. So, if you wanted to dump Sean O'Hair (a good idea by the way), you would have to pick someone ranked 20th or worse from the 2005 PGA Tour money list (O Hair was 19th).

Now, let's say you decide to pick Mark Calcavechia... he was 25th on the 2005 money list, but is currently 97th (as of this post). His "starting" point for you would be 97, not 25. At the time of this post, he has earned $332,627. That would be deducted from his earnings on your tally... basically, the way I make the trade work in the spreadsheet is that I capture the player's current money total and subtract that from whatever their total becomes. Hopefully, that makes sense.

So, the short story is that your trade basically puts you in that players shoes from the day he starts... his current money position is your start point, and you get credit for any money he earns going forward.

As for Rob and Stevie V... I am not sure, but it provides entertainment... less so when the commentary ran through our Inboxes, but that lead to the creation of the blog.

bocabandit said...

I believe I simply bet you $50. You need to improve on your math skills, especially if you're going to real estate. Glad to see your chest pounding now that you've finally won a wager. BFD.

Your pool leading team seemed to have another rather uninspired tournament, Buzz Rodent. You must be worried that Vijay may have finally hit a wall this year, Geiberger and Riley seem only to have a nodding acquaintance with making cuts, etc....You'll be having nightmares of that "faggy fox."