Wednesday, May 24, 2006

We Have A Fan!!!

Hey FPGPers... looks like we have a fan... check out the comments in recent posts, particularly those about Buttertits Gore. Looks like his boyfriend "G.W." is lurking on our blog, and is quite upset about our little pool and our comments. Oh well, to each his own.

Welcome to the blog "G.W."... if you want to join us officially next year, your money is welcome. I will reserve Gore for you... at this pace, he'll be going off around 145... or 1/2 his body weight.

Jason Gore is congratulated by "G.W." (striped shirt) after succesfully downing 17 hot dogs before his openning round last week.


New Texan said...

Yeah, sure you are...

I have no problem at all... just having fun with our newest fan... if you want to spend so much time on our blog, thought we'd get you into the fold... the real question is this... did you find the blog by searching for "Jason Gore" or for "Buttertits?"

New Texan said...

This is a blog for a few friends who are in a golf pool together... the reason why no one talks about Daly or Herron is because no one picked either of them. In year's past, Daly was picked and often ragged upon... this is the first year of the blog though, it used to be through emails.

Now, why don't you go make some biscuits for Gore. And congratulate him on that 80+ score in last year's Open for me, will ya?

New Texan said...

Not anymore... never play. Was scratch for a bit... tried my luck in some PubLinks/US Am qualifiers, but never had enough game.

Are you a good cook?

New Texan said...

Yes... at the Nelson in the first round. In the 2 hours I ran over there, he was playing the 17th hole.

New Texan said...

Honestly? Not as fat as I thought he'd be... but still the fattest guy out there. Everyone else on Tour looks athletic... he looks like me, which is to say "non-athletic."

New Texan said...

Listen SuperFan, no one said he is as fat as Herron or Daly... he is just the fattest of the guys we picked. He also doesn't have Herron or Daly's game, so what is the point?

New Texan said...

Thanks... it is good to know that your point is "Gore is only the 3rd fattest guy out of the 150 or so who play on Tour." Well put.

Do a google search for "bacon" and "golf" and see if his picture pops up.

New Texan said...

Deleting your own comments? Wow, you can't even take a definitive stand on "I am a woman." Good grief. Go mop a floor or something, and let the men get back to work.

New Texan said...

Is that an insult?

New Texan said...

Well, I am 6-2, 240... so I am not afraid of many men, particularly overweight professional golfers... what is he going to do, sweat on me?

New Texan said...

See... I just lobbed that out there for you... good job! Now get back to your cleaning.

JS said...

Is GW joining our little, unknown golf pool? GW, have Gore defend himself. Hopefully he'd understand that we are all just joking about him. Would you be defending Justin Leonard if we were making fun of him instead?

For a guy calling people porn searchers and key pounders, you sure are spending a lot of time here. Who do you and your friends make fun of so we can defend them?

New Texan said...

I think SuperFan was trying to make a point... the point is "hey, Gore isn't that fat... i mean, he is a tub of good, and he sweats butter, but there are still some guys out there who are even more fat than he is... sure, they've won on Tour this year, or have won a couple majors, but that is not important... the key thing to remember is that Gore is not the fattest guy out there."

JS said...

I love how in our society today, it's all about "respect". People like GW will argue over someone not getting proper "respect". GW, when you tailgate someone in your car, you are dis-respecting. When you cut in line, you are dis-respecting. When you argue with my friends over their first amendment right to free speech (their comments here), you are dis-repecting them. My suggestion, and I share this with many, is if you don't like the comments, ignore them. No one was dis-respecting you. Gore, maybe, but let him come to this blog and make his comments. He's soon learn that most, if not all of us, are just having fun with our pool and that we are not the assholes you think we are. Except for Steve, and maybe me after about 7 beers.

New Texan said...

Guilty as charged... I am indeed an asshole. And... it only takes Jeff about 3 beers to become one.

I mean, who else would have read all the "wah, wah, wah, wah" whiney comments on the blog from last night, then started a thread to bait the fool back? Yeah, that would be me... maybe the bandit to... hell, maybe Stevie V... Joel... fuck, we are all assholes!

SteveV said...

I suggest that we change the name of the pool from FPGP (no Joel as Commish anyway) to The A-Hole Golf Pool (or TAGP).

New Texan said...

I think we have to keep "Philp" in the title... unless we can get a corporate sponsor.