Friday, May 05, 2006

Duval Sighting?

Mr. Duval lights it up on the back nine to make cut and actually get an early sniff at the leaders... currently in 10th place, but likely to drop as scores go low this afternoon.

Duval's card


New Texan said...

haha... and my spaz is earning points, rather than pissing them away.

bocabandit said...

Since Buzz Rodent is littering the blog sight with his 1st posting in ages, I guess I have to track him, just like the fox that obviously bothers him.

I believe I simply bet you $50. You need to improve on your math skills, especially if you're going to real estate. Glad to see your chest pounding now that you've finally won a wager. BFD.

Your pool leading team seemed to have another rather uninspired tournament, Buzz Rodent. You must be worried that Vijay may have finally hit a wall this year, Geiberger and Riley seem only to have a nodding acquaintance with making cuts, etc....You'll be having nightmares of that "faggy fox."