Thursday, June 01, 2006


Ok everyone, the trading deadline has come and gone... here are the last 2 moves.

Da Bandit has dropped Alex Cejka and has picked up Chris Smith.
Robbo has dropped Vijay Singh and has picked up Rocco Mediate.

Johnny V. stands pat, which may be the most shocking move of all. I did this last year, unable to move my worst player while I was in 2nd place, and it ended up costing me as I slid to 4th on the last weekend of the year.

As an aside, Robbo admitted that he waited until the 11th hour because he was waiting for Johnny V.'s trade to post on the blog... a little "Junior Bandit" game I guess.

These trades will be reflected in the next update... now that we are stuck with our teams, Jeff and I may not be quite as diligent with the updates... I'll try to do it every week, but if we miss one, sorry.

I am already thinking of some improvements for next year's FPGP. What would you guys think of having multiple trades? If this is going to be some kind of "fantasy league" I think we should be able to make more than one move. And, the more trades, the more cash in the kitty... I don't envision unlimitted trades, as I don't want to deal with those headaches... but maybe allowing 2 or 3. I'd also like to extend the number of players we actually pick, which would also present a "I may need to make more trades" problem. Give me some input on this... I don't want to set it up so that it precludes folks from getting in the pool... rather, I'd like to see this pool double in participants next year... again, more money in the pot, and suddenly this becomes REALLY interesting. I'd love to see everyone recruit one more person for next year... show em the blog, show em the little fun we have... it is about the cheapest entertainment I get.


SteveV said...

For what it's worth, I like the idea of 2 trades (which can be useful in case of an injury; like fuckin' J. Byrd's brusied ribs!) and picking 2 shorts (to eliminate some of the overlap like Bryant and Fredie Funk this year). --- Steve V.

New Texan said...

Yes, I was also thinking about changing the short picks a bit... I actually like the idea of not forcing people to make 2, but making it an option... something like "pick 9 guys and as many as 2 can be short" or something like that... as the pool gets bigger (hopefully), we need to have enough variety of pick options so that we don't have the same looking pics... I'd also consider imposing multiple trade deadlines... so, the first trade could be done by April 1, and the second could be done by July 1. The format is really OK as is, but shaking it up a bit wouldn't hurt.

Your ever thoughtful Commish.

bocabandit said...

No, not a "Junior Bandit," just acting like Da Rodent. I hope he has researched whether Mediate hasn't developed a phobia for water holes. Rocco's classic rinsings on Augusta 12 rivaled the Marx Brothers for hilarity.

JS said...

I think the short pick should be an optional one. Meaning, you can pick a short guy and take your chances or choose not to short a player at all, thus risking making points if the guy falls on his ass or to the SrPGA Tour.

bocabandit said...

"Option" is the operative word. I like it. Steve V's idea would fall prey to the Hegelian concept of the "cunning of history." (Not bad, eh, for a 'sick fuck' who writes nasty things about Jason Gore in between 'wanking off' and 'viewing kiddie porn' in the words of our fan, G.W.)The result would most likely be more overlap if every player was mandated to select 2 shorts - the pool of realistic 'short picks' never is very large. I also think that we should reinstitute the rule that every $100K earned counts deducts a point against the short pick.

New Texan said...

Nice one... you sick pervo fuck.

And, if you look at the data sheet, each 100k earned DOES deduct from the short player's total.

New Texan said...

Another thoughtful comment! I love the Buttertits Gore name... did I come up with it? I honestly don't remember, and I don't feel like going through all the old posts to see the genesis.

The admin part won't be bad... I have the updates down to a science now... usually takes about 20 minutes, then it is just a matter of getting Jeff to upload the stuff in a pretty fashion.

I think the 1 or 2 short picks, with as many as 2 trades would be a nice advancement in the FPGP.

New Texan said...

Switchblades? I like "walking sticks" a bit more... less aggressive.