Friday, June 30, 2006

Hear Ye, Hear Ye... NEW BLOG RULE.

While we at FPGP Central Command do not believe in censorship, I think we need to cool it with the ButterTits comments here. Start with my "Welcome to the blog... Jason Gore" post and all the comments, and work you way back up to this one. Be sure to follow the URLs that are posted and look at the pictures. You will be convinced that our blog has been visited by The Gores, Jason and Megan. If you don't want to read all of it, I leave you with this picture of our commenter holding up the actual trophy JG won last year on Tour... I can't see this being faked, particularly as fast as she put it up after I suggested it. Click HERE for the photo.

Although we know this is all in fun, and the Gores are REMARKABLY cool about all of this poking fun, it doesn't seem right to be as nasty as we are if they are surfing the blog. Hell, Mrs. Gore may even join the damn pool next year, so let's be nice and take her money! :-)

I am all about making obnoxious commentaries and having fun... but let's keep the stuff to flesh wounds, not daggers to the heart. Honestly, it will be a lot more fun from me to have a PGA Tour Professional visit the blog from time to time, maybe drop a comment, give us some insight into life on the Tour, etc., than for us to just be stupid for our own amusement.


New Texan said...

I say this with all seriousness, and a few beers in me from dinner... Jason Gore is now my favorite golfer. Seriously... anyone who can live the life of a tour pro, which is an obvious struggle and then also have a great attitude with a bunch of guys like us, is a class act all the way. I have to tip my hat to you...

Again, in all seriousness, my fiance and I (and any FPGPer who wants to come to Dallas in May) would love to host you guys for a dinner one night... I think we'd all have a lot of laughs and it would be a blast. Just know that you have a friend in Dallas, so keep that card and support the Nelson!

Feel free to take this off the public blog and shoot me an email at if you want.

New Texan said...

The real question is, did you beat your buddies today? I don't know about the thrill of victory on Tour, but I do know how much fun it is to beat friends (on this blog) while trash talking all day. Hell, the last time I saw one (Jeff) I had to ask him to be my best man just to rattle him on the 10th tee after he took a 2-up lead on me. It worked. :-)

JS said...

Well is sounds like the Gore's will be eating and drinking a bit on us while on tour. JG, keep blogging. Hopefully, we can be a fun outlet for you and your golf game.

New Texan said...

we might have to add an honorary 126 bucks to Gore's winnings just because of this blog...

jeff, you may be right. I think the Gores just picked up a few fans.