Saturday, June 03, 2006

F PGA Golfers!

Ok, not all PGA golfers, but Allenby. Makes the cut and WD's. He best be hurt. I think the PGA should put in a penalty that if you WD for an event, regardless of the reason, you are not allowed to play the next Major, or next 3 events if the player doesn't qualify for a Major.

1 comment:

New Texan said...

What about the guy who doesn't WD but just mails it in? Like fuckhead Duval for instance who tossed up a friggin 82 today...

Scratch that... for Duval an 82 may have been a "grind it out" round. Still, he is the best pick of the FPGP so far this year...

It's funny that there are some who didn't pick Duval, but everyone picked Els... he has been not spectacular...