Normal bet... $50 for best team, $50 for winner. No Tiger. I pick first. I take Mickelson. You can make the next pick in the comments section, and I'll do the same. And I don't want to hear any more whining about you having to feed your family, and no you cannot just buy me a beer in Vegas to settle up. At this rate, I almost hope you cash in the FPGP this year so you can afford to pay off your side bet debt.
And with one word... "furyk"... da former commish... excalibur... the one, the only TIGER Philp, says "no stevie... I will not be intimidated... I will man up..."
Well done sir. Also, good pick... I almost took him with the #1.
Ok, now we are off and running... as tempted as I am to take Darren "win one for my dead wife" Clarke, I am going to have to pass on that one... same for Sergio "remember last time i was here and everyone thought i was good" Garcia. With my #2 pick I select...
Vijay Singh.
Excalibur is in the zone... no banter, no big talk... just his picks... well, methinks there was a misstep here though... to counter his "going w/ the old" pick, I am going to go out on a limb... I am going to go for the hungry... this pick may still be around in a later round, but I want to lock him in now... give me...
Zach Johnson.
Ah ha!!! There is it... da former commmish couldn't find a worthy Canadian, so he went w/ another funny accent dude. Well played. Well played.
Ok... pick #4 on Team Stevie... let's see... we've gone 2 traditional and 1 "hungry for Ryder Cup points dude..."... I need a solid. A good solid pick... fuck it... I am going out on the limb again... playing w/ the house money, gonna double it down... I need a big long hitter on this monster... i need a hungry dude... i need...
Brett Wetterich.
Carl Petterson? Is he related to Norm Petterson of "Ferris Bueller" fame? Carl Spackler? Wow... i was expecting DL3 in that spot.
I'll take Geoff Ogilvy... I need an Aussie.
JG... nice work! I am fine w/ that, as I assume you both shot 65s. :-) How's the course playin?
We at the bottom of the FPGP leaderboard are hopeful that we get some of that spillover FPGP Mojo for your playing partner, Bart Bryant... he was "shorted" by some at the top, and a good finish at the PGA will effectively kill them.
Says the guy who pushes the "MBP"...
Hey Excal... go ahead and take JG!!!
Rod Pampling? Are you trying to give me money? Wow... OK, gang, here is the lineup:
Me: Mickelson, Singh, Z. Johnson, Wetterich, G. Ogilvy
Excal: Furyk, Els, Scott, Petterson, Pampling
$50 for best team
$50 if you picked the winner
Let's just playem where they lie... I like JG in this thing more than Rod "MC" Pampling, and giving you a freebie after JG says he took PM for a hundo doesnt seem equitable.
Generosity??? You wanker! Do you not remember the way you reacted over my Trevor Immelman issue at the British Open? How's this... you can have JG for a $10 "not doing your research" fee. Wanker!!!!
You want to see a lack of generosity... wait until you pick up that first 3 footer for 6 in Vegas, and we score it an 8.
this is what excal left for me... it is a classic.
Considering the stakes y'all play for, I have a minor league match with Stevie V. using the CBS Sports $1,000,000 salary cap. I felt damn good about my chances until I started seeing names appear on Excal's team. :-). Woods off the board.
Bandit: Els, Furyk, Cink (surprised neither of you took him),Lumpy, and J.J.
Vodo: Toms, Weir, Ames, the Goose, and Taa-Daa, JG
In a bar pool that I play every major, it's Woods/Els/Ogilvy/Cink.
Bandit, I was THIS CLOSE to picking Cink w/ the number 5 pick, but I just couldn't pull the trigger. If we went 6 deep, he was on the squad for sure. I just dont have that much faith in him. I had a little love for David Toms also, but again... hard to pick a guy who's been fighting injuries.
He picked Mike Weir? is that because he was in the final group w/ Tiger 7 years ago? Yikes. Awful pick. I see Weir as an MC.
And the JG pick was an ass-kiss move. :-)
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