For a guy listed as #123 on the Money list, you get the more interesting comments from the TV personalities and print media.
JG, how long is your tour card good for? Are you year by year or did you get some sort of exemption from your win on the PGA Tour last year?
Final question, how big is Tiger compared to you? You must be the intimidating one on the tee given your size and length off the tee.
Dude... lay off the cold medicine... first the bet that can't be won comment... now this. "How big is Tiger?" Really? That sounds just a wee bit gay... not that there is anything wrong with that.
And you gave Vic shit for his Yankee post... oy.
Now that would be good blog material... :-)
In the spirt of the reversed-inversed-JG Jinx... he is off to a great start today.
Maybe it is because he is "bigger" than Tiger.
Geesh... I can't get over that post.
Nice 65 today... way to kick the shit out of Old Man Par.
Sportscenter showed you some love. They showed you make a putt, only after showing 5 or 6 shots of Tiger. Then a shot of you. Then more Tiger followed by a shot of PM and Adam Scott.
Point: Your under the radar. Save some energy, there is a lot of golf to play and you don't win the tourney on Friday.
BTW, your Nissan shot-gun partner, Pat Perez, had a nice day at the Reno. Put I don't think he played with the #1 ranked player in the world or a guy from Europe who struggled.
Also, Ian Baker Finch said that no one made a putt from where you were on 18. What happened there? You drive it 341, have sand wedge in and you hit it to about the only place you don't want to be. Everyone else that had that putt had their putt break sharply right. Your putt was perfect, but didn't move. But you should have been there to begin with. Just wondering what happened. I thought the ball was going to spin back (sand wedge, into an uphill slope in the green) and it stops dead.
I post nice stuff and I get blamed for starting a jinx. I post critical stuff, the mojo returns, JG shoots a good score. Can't have it both ways.
JG, I don't mean anything bad. Believe me, your posting here and cool comments have me pulling for you. I'm a JG fan, and for FPGP purposes, you would have huge point value if one could trade for you. Don't take my jabs as anything personal. I take it and dish it. Just ask New Tex. Feel free to jab back. It's all in good fun.
Excellent 65 out there today. I hope to catch more of it on ESPN on Friday. Only saw your last shot and putts on 18. Tiger had an EASY 12 footer or so it looked on TV. Nike has to like what you and El Tigre did today.
Jesus Shades... lay off the dude. He shoots 65 in the same group as Tiger Woods... that is friggin career for some players. I think if he hits it 12 feet all week, he'll be just fine. Damn.
Helluva round big man... I actually thought I put the jinx on... I flicked over to ESPN just in time to see you lip one out, then you bogeyed the next... I ran back to my office in shame. Later, a colleague was in our office kitchen and called down to my office... "your boy is on TV!!" I came in and saw you make that bird on 16... it gave me great relief. Keep that MOJO flowin' tomorrow.
Vic... let me tell ya. You are not only funny, but you are wise in your assessment of the Wild Canuck's golf ability. I've played with the man, so I don't know if I'd back him on that... it would either be a round right after he gets off a plane, or after 3 days of no-sleep Vegas. Plus, I can't root for him while I am trying to kill him in some other bets... maybe you can get some love from some of the non-Vegas participants. Still... 113 is a MONSTER PILE of strokes. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone shoot 114. This is a thinker...
You are not going to take a hacker's criticism personally? Get out!!!!
If I had 12 footers all week, I might be able to break 80.
Toss up another 65 manana...
JG/MG, since you will in the Greater Boston area next weekend, I would like to thank both of you for making this FPGP blog so much more interesting and lively. Since JG and MG started adding comments, I have found more interest in playing golf than I have had in years. I actually enjoy the game more. To show my appreciation, I would like to offer you a pair of tickts for the Red Sox for Sat., Sept. 2nd. It's a 7:05 game at Fenway Park. Seats are located in LOGE Box 112 row CC. I have 2 tickets for that game. Just let me know if you want them and their yours for no charge. Just my way of saying thanks.
Fenway Park Seating Chart LINK
This is one of those rare times when Shades is not full of it... he is a part time ticket broker at home, so he does have the tix. I'd just like to think that if you use them, you cheer for the Sox. Maybe they can get some weird spillover MOJO or something.
Oh, and be glad that Shades wasn't holding any New Kids On The Block Reunion Tour 06 tickets for that weekend... ugh. It is amazing the random shit he sells.
7 days to Vegas! Before I leave, I will put up a Vegas post that we can post to from the road/my blackberry. It should make interesting reading. I never leave home without my laptop, so we may have some good photos on slight delay as well.
It's NKOTB not New Kids on the Block. Ugh!
Shades is in SC, and will be in Vegas next week... oh well.
Careful w/ the free ticket offers... there are plenty of vultures, i mean FPGPers out there that live near Tour stop [cough, cough... byron nelson... cough, cough]. :-)
MG, thanks for your return offer. I live in Charleston, SC, but grew up near Manchester, NH. I'll be in Vegas that weekend, but have a great time. Hopefully the New England weather will work out for you there.
Is NKOTB back together? I have nothing but a few Red Sox tix left. Sold most earlier, pre-5 game slide. Most of my money is tied up in College Bowl tickets. I don't deal much with concerts. And my "Econoline Van" is a "wish I could sell" Ford Expedition with a nicely upgraded sound system. I had to pimp it out just a bit. And middle aged? Is 35 middle aged? Vic, you must have watched Fast Times At Ridgemont High too many times. I'm not hanging out at the mall pushing tickets to Van Halen. Although a Van Halen reunion with David Lee Roth would put some $$ in my pocket.
Shades, I know that you've been getting a lot of crap on the blog... dont feel the need to defend yourself. In the immortal words of your NKTOB peeps... "hang tough."
I'm just takin' it "Step by Step".
wow... i am proud to say i have no more NKOTB songs to reply with. You "win."
Vic, if we had more teachers like Mr. Hand, we might live in a world with less Spicolis... but alas... The Phoebe Cates scene is still in the top 10 of all time... I've always wondered if "Brad" would have been a bigger star if he didn't take a role that showed him playing 5 on 1 with himself.
As much as I would like to engage in the boy band debate, I cannot... I honestly have no idea what the difference is between those bands, other than one of them had a dude who did Jessica Simpson, and the other had a dude who just came out of the closet.
I am with you on Fords... I've never met a happy Ford owner with more than 12 teeth.
I dont think you offended Shades... he's just overwhelmed with shell shock. This happens when you spend a great number of hours watching Sergio putt, and anticipating the the flailing "move" that is Excal's swing. Hell, I get jumpy just thinking about it.
Here is the proposition bet of all time... get JG on a reasonably difficult course... day 1, he plays by himself. Probably shoots somewhere in the 60s. Day 2, he plays same conditions, inasmuch as that is possible... same pins, tees, time of day, etc. However, on Day 2, he has to play w/ Excal. Further, he has to watch each of his "strokes" at the ball, and be engaged in all of Excal's hijinks... my favorite has always been the one where he pretends to stretch his back, but he has some kind of plastic thing in has hand... as he leans back, he makes a huge CRACK sound, and falls to the ground. Gets your heart pumping every time. If you let him drive the cart after he reaches his MBP, your heart rate will never go down.
My guess is that even though JG would now have a day's worth of course knowledge, he would add 4 or more strokes to his score. The experience is unnerving. I find it not at all surprising now, in hindsight that when I played golf in SC (mostly w/ Excal) I played to about a 7 or 8 handicap. When I moved to Illinois, my handicap dropped down to 3 to 4 in the first 6 months, despite playing new and objectively more difficult courses, and not doing much more in the way of practice.
This is an effect that needs to be studied further...
I am still contemplating your FM dial bet... I will get back to you via blog next saturday... I need to see what Excal brings to the table on Friday first.
And yes, 35 is middle aged... i made that argument back when I was 25, so I need to stick with it now at 36.
Spoke with Talonflier's wife yesterday. She sought me out at a faculty meeting, obviously stressed. She's concerned about the amount of unproductive time he's spending on blog posts, especially since it appears that he'll not take in any $$$ in this year's pool -- not to mention that his blog activity has led to his neglecting the kids ("where's daddy, mommy?", not taking out trash, etc.) The last straw may have been his purchasing of some 98 degrees CDs yesterday.
I suspect if his behavior doesn't change, he'll become quite familiar with "Mr. Hand."
You work with Vic's wife? Is that how he got dragged into this pool?
We need to start the planning for FPGP Golf Outing 07. I am thinking some place in Florida, next fall. This has to happen... I need to put faces and golf swings w/ everyone.
Yes, Vic's in the pool because of his wife, sort of. I met Vic because of her and have played golf with hm a few times over the years. He's a solid player, unlike most to us in the FPGP. Putting faces with swings may be real ugly but "cest la vie." My brother, Johnny V., is also a quality golfer, but only enjoys playing the game if some cash is on the line, like tomorrow, when he'll likely take some from da Bandit and I (that's right, da Bandit is here on a visit, somehow it'll be a tax write off, and I'm checking his bags before he leaves the house. Da Rodent may play too but since he managed to lose to Philp, he's been incommunicado (don;t blame 'em).
Robbo can't play with us this weekend! His match with Excalibur was the equivalent of the "play-in" game for the NCAA 64.
He's welcome to keep score, serve as a forecaddy, and carry the beers BUT no talking to the cart girl as we don't want her ignoring us the remainder of the round.
My Bad! The last post was mine and now Stevie V. is accusing me of stealing his identity. Now I can return to my scotch to begin careful preparation for losing money to his brother tomorrow. I am focused on my expectations - similar to Tiger by the way - and nobody else's expectations.
This is outstanding! First we have the Excal/Robbo play in game... Excal advances to the top part of the bracket w/ me and Jeff (yeah, that was self-serving). You guys get together tomorrow... me, jeff and excal get it going next weekend... by next week's end, we'll have our seedings for next year's FPGP Open.
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