With the re-introduction of
Try(on)-ing, and then reading PP blog, it got me wondering. How many chefs should be in the kitchen at one time. MG mentioned that Ty had "an absolute entourage following him around, coaches, trainers, psych, and agents." So then what would
TEAM PEREZ be? We have heard from his PR/Marketing guy, now on the
PP blog there is word from his physical trainer. I image he must have a swing coach, an agent, a wife or friend that handles some travel stuff and 1 or 2 other guys that are "there" for whatever reason.
Do all these people have PP's best interest in mind? I have no evidence they don't, but I did post a comment regarding PP's Physical Therapist, "why has he been so injured this year?" PP has been hurt almost all year and his physial therapist has been with him since 2004. Maybe now is just not the time to be advertising this guy on the PP Blog.
He could be an interesting 2007 pick though.
I think there are at least a couple big differences... one, PP is plenty seasoned. two, and most importantly, he is an adult, not a 16 year old kid... as such, i doubt anything is being forced on him and he is making the most sound decisions he can make.
No offense JG, but New Tex have you met many professional, semi-professional and do nothing but golf for a living type of guys. Most I have met all have a small maturity issue. There is something about the golf world that just seems goofy. Many involved are 4 to 7 years older than they act. Making someone an adult does not mean that person has the ability to make good decisions. PP may be seasoned, but other than 2002, he hasn't made the big move to show he is "that good" of a PGA Tour player. JG has shown that via his play since the 2005 US Open. PP has been all over the place. Maybe too many voices in his ear.
Well, have you met many guys who play on the PGA Tour? I imagine the demands of the PGA Tour are slightly more than the Tarheel Tour, and as such, there is more need for managers/advisors, etc. And what golfer doesnt have a swing coach? An agent? A trainer? I think that is pretty much standard now. Plus, since this is a real business (at that level), who wouldn't have a PR guy?
Still, you almost make my point for me, albeit in a roundabout way... if he is or could be so "immature" then advisors is exactly what he would need.
The maturity issue that you talk about is more likely due to the fact that these professional golfers you speak of are unable to live up to their expectations of themselves or those around them... that has to have some kind of psychological backlash. I imagine if I could shoot 61 at the local golf course and be the local legend, but couldn't make a cut in a Nationwide Tour event, or get through a the first stage at Tour School, I'd probably have some issues too. Thankfully, I was never blessed with borderline talent... more talentless than anything.
As for being a "not good" player, I'd say that is way out of context. Who is the comparison group? Tiger and Phil? DJ Trahan and Len Mattiace? I'd say that a guy who earns his card and keeps it consistently on the PGA Tour is an AMAZING player. Further, I'd say that a guy who is struggling through injuries but has still managed to stay in the top 100 on the money list and earn over $650,000 so far this year is a pretty "proven" player. In fact, although we have all adopted JG as "our guy" here, I think it is fair to say that PP has been at least his equal, and probably more impressive... in the sense that he has been able to keep his card and earn a living on the big tour for a few years. He may not have won, but he's kept his playing privaleges, and that is a pretty impressive accomplishment, even is his goals are much higher.
I dont think either of us know anyone with that kind of talent.
A quick check of PP's lifetime stats shows that he has won over 4.62 MILLION dollars in official money. And he hasn't proven himself? He's currently ranked in the top 120 players IN THE WORLD, and that is while he's been hampered with injury.
I'd take his career any day of the week...
vic, you never cease to make me laugh...
you need to "borrow" a jet or something and drop in on us (you, not ordinance) in Vegas over labor day weekend... i'd love to tee it up with you! (especially if you are missing the green from 130... tiger philp does too, but he is hitting 5 iron from there, so it is not as embarrasing... wait, that is more embarrasing).
"Well, have you met many guys who play on the PGA Tour?" Yes - 3
A Tar Heel Player player is a professional golfer too (2 Gloves is #1 on the money list of those on the undemanding minitour). Met a bunch of them and a few from the other mini-tours. Ask JG, how "undemanding" that is.
My original point was not about maturity as it was of having too many voices in the ear, chef's in the kitchen, skeletons in the closet (oh wait, that's something else...) While I saw his career money, let's not forget that the money these guys win now-a-days is much higher than it was when Fred Funk was in his late 30's/early 40's. PP makes 8 cuts and wins 1/9th of his career money with 1 top 10. Take out the 1.2 million he made in '05 and the Buy.com and Nationwide money and suddenly he's what I called it in my "that good" mention earlier. That's not comparing him to Tiger or Phil, but the others on tour with him. This is his 2nd year since being on PGA tour where he is in under 100 on the money list.
[Here's a good side bet - over/under PP final money list placement ??? 80?]
And while yes, all players have a swing guy, a trainer...I just question if this guy has these guys in his head. The 1 thing that really got me is the physical trainer being advertised in the PP blog, when the guy has been injured almost all year.
I have no issue with PP. I'd personally like to see him do well. But you never hear about all the voices other players have and here we have heard from MG about Ty and we can read about some for PP. While your your original point of Ty being 16 and PP being an adult was interesting, I just don't see age being the reason why external influences couldn't get into PP's head. You doubt that could happen. I simply explained why I see it the other way.
Ok, the "have you met" question was dumb and it missed the mark... a better question would be how often you see a guy who is on tour NOW play. See how GOOD they are. Fuck Jeff, all those guys are amazing! I'd take DJ Trashcan over any of the mini-tour guys every day of the week and twice on sunday. It's as much of a lock as Trashcan over Wie. Yes, mini-tour players are pros... much like a guy playing baseball for a Single A ballclub is a pro. They play the same game as the MLB players, but they are not even close to being in the same league.
Golf is great in that we can have these debates, but they are ultimately pointless. You want to know how good a player is? Look at his earnings. Simple. There are no guaranteed contracts, so he is worth how much talent he has, period. Leading the mini-tours is nice, but I can't get all that excited about a professional athlete who make less money on a tour than i make at my boring job. On the other hand, PP has over $650k in the bank for this year, and over $4 million in his career... call it inflated prize pools all you want, but you still have to make the cuts and have big finishes... I don't see any 4 or 5 year PGA Tour pros who finish 56th every week with that much money.
The sidebet for PP all depends on his health, so I'd stay away from it... it seems to me that a guy who has played a limited schedule and who has played hurt when he does play, and is still in the top 100 is pretty fucking much "better than good."
I do see your point though, a trainer advertising himself on a hurt player's blog is like Vic taking out an ad for next year's golf picks...
Ok, I had to take one cheap shot at Vic this year...
yeah... i even have your 800 number...
1 800 BAD PICK
Nice post Julie, er MG...
I think another difference between Tiger/Wie and Tryon is that the former had some accomplishments under their belt at an early age... Tiger won every USGA event he entered, and Wie has been very competitive on the LPGA Tour... Tryon didn't really do anything. He never had a great US Am. He didn't play in college.
I think he really suffered a bit from a Tiger Effect... Tiger burst onto the scene and killed everyone, and was a sudden millionaire. Tryon was just the next guy in line with some game, and his idiot parents probably saw a big cash cow (and so did he)...
Giving it more thought and hearing what MG had to say, I think New Tex and MG are right. I guess my view should have just been, why hype the Physical Trainer of an Injured Player.
I can see where I was comparing Apples to Oranges.
Actually, you were comparing a golfer with a dude w/ a porn 'stache. haha. Poor little ty. I guess he keeps on Tryon.
His scores look schizophrenic... he puts up a nice little 68 or something, then shoots 84 the next day. I saw on one of his rounds, he shot 48... FORTY FUCKING EIGHT on the front nine. Can you imagine?
The unbelievable variability in his scores indicates to me that he is a complete head case. You can't "fake" a 68. You can't "fake" your way through Q-school. Shit like that obviously takes some serious skill, so it is obviously in him. The question then becomes "how can a kid w/ a ton of talent shoot ridiculous scores on a lame ass Korean Tour?" The only answer is that it is between his ears.
Maybe Robbo should do a little pro-bono work for the kid... I've often thought of him as the Ty Tryon of the sports psych world, so it would be appropriate. haha.
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