Shades and I are starting a "Get Vic To Vegas" campaign... Come on Vic... a weekend of gambling, golfing, gambling on golf, and the occasional adult beverage... what more could you want? Besides, if Tiger Philp craps out on us, we'll need a fourth... even if da former commish shows up, we'll just play it as a fivesome... me and you versus those three in some kind of fucked up format.
I second the call of Vic to Vegoose (V2V).
Hell, JG, if you're off that week. Take MG to Vegas. Take our money on the golf course and buy us a beer in exchange for some of the MOJO. Oh wait, I think we still owe you a beer or two.
Anyways V2V!
V2V! V2V! V2V!
JG should be marching up the leaderboard in Norton MA that weekend, in that goofy Friday to Monday event they do now on Labor Day Weekend.
Tiger is officially in for Vegas... OK Vic, come on out and we'll shellack him, Shades and Shades' bro-in-law. I envision a 2 vs. 3 man scramble... some kind of naassau with automatic 2-down presses, greenies, sandies, the whole works.
MG... no problemo... I grew up not far from Norton, so I understand the appeal. It is a wicked pissah course, and the fans are wicked appreciative of your wicked good shawts.
For the uninitiated, a "cougar" in "tiger speak" is an older attractive woman that for some unknown reason may find him attractive. The modern generation calls these women "MILFs."
I figure the odds are 3:1 against Tiger having a Cougar sighting.
V2V! V2V!
Way to go JG... now we can expect live commentary from your rounds...
Yeah JG. "Live Commentaries"
Something like
JG59 said...
Just laced one down the middle about 311 out. Should have Gapper to the pin.
(4 min later)
JG59 said...
Yup gap wedge was the right stick. Got about 7 feet for bird.
That would be awesome for us, but probably fuck your game up just a bit.
Or even better:
JG59 said...
Been rippin nylon all day boys, but can't make a putt. Playing w/ trashcan, and i he keeps staring at my ass when I am over my putts... giving me the heebie jeebies... maybe you are right, guys from clemson are fags.
That is awesome. Enjoy Medinah, if you ever get there. Keep track of your blogs, could make for an interesting book someday.
Well, while you sitting at airport, head to a bar and make it double. Usually only a $1 more.
JG, thanks for a laugh out loud comment... and listen to Jeff, he knows a bargain when he sees one. I think he used to take "lunch" at O'Hare.
We want to hear how the practice rounds go!
V2V! V2V!
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