Then I hit the refresh button on the leaderboard and his name disappeared.
He went from -4 to E in one hole. A snowman. Quad. Double par. Fuck!!! Could this be the beginning signs of a shift for the former commish? Might this be the little ray of hope he needs in this side bet? Time will tell... 4 of his 5 boys tee off this afternoon. I can't see Carl "Don't Call Me Norm" Petterson breaking 75, but I have been wrong before.
Oh, and there is no "JG's Scorecard" link for this tourney. For some reason, PGATour.com uses a different service to do live scoreboards during the majors, and it is a pain to work with... if you want to keep tabs on our in-house pro, just go to the leaderboard link and find him the old fashioned way.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... now he puts up a quad 7 on the par 3 17th!!! Is Excalibur in Chicago heckling my players!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?
Dont worry... no jinxing here.
You really need to stay away from him though! :-) Come to Dallas for the Nelson, but just hang out at my pool during the tourney...
You watching on TNT, MG?
MG, you got it. I would suggest you delete your comment re: no comments. We should have a blackout on any mention of all California based golfers.
Besides, it's Sergio, Allenby, and Donald that are going to win the Trifecta.
HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE ON YOU SHADES? I have 50:1 against that trifecta!
I cant imagine the anxiety of watching your spouse perform on TV. I just turned on TNT for a minute in our kitchen at work, and I felt nervous as he was over a putt! Normally, the only anxiety I feel around golf is when I am playing with Excalibur, and he decides it is wise for him to drive the golf cart after 12 beers.
That's funny. I've never hit anyone w/ a golf ball, but I did get hit once... hard. On the damn DRIVING RANGE. Some idiot on my left shanked one right into my back. I dropped like a bag of turds.
I did hit a house pretty hard once, with a 4-iron. One of my friends was being a dick on the course, so as he drove his cart off, I grabbed the 4-iron, hooded it, and roped one right at his moving cart about 100 yards away. It was actually drawing in on him nice when he slammed the breaks... the ball flew by at top speed and hit a house that was just off the course. Sounded like a bomb went off when it hit the siding. Ooops.
Talonflier's story rivals what I deem to be a Pensacola, Panhandle sport which is to get smashed, fall asleep on the train tracks (good place to drink, eh), get run over by a train, and to live to tell about it. He certainly holds trump with that 'game.'
On the comeback trail after giving up the game for 6 years, I hit a right to right iron that managed to slice into a house's screened-in pool where a mother and her young son were swimming. I thought it was truly an extraordinary shot until she showed me the opening where the ball went through. Alas, I wasn't the first to knock a ball there.
Talon, you need to write a book...
Bandit... you need to stay off the golf course!
That was 2 years ago. After a number of rounds where I would hit a few shots so badly that I swore I could hear the late Curt Gowdy exclaim "My Lord, that was ugly," I can now say my game has a nodding acquaintance with a true golf swing. Had a 79 on Saturday with 2 threejacks even though I hadn't played in weeks. But it was torture when I felt like one of Jerry's kids out there. Even striving for Excalibur's MBP couldn't alleviate my personal disgust.
I didnt realize you had that much game Boca... in my halcyon days of being a 0-2 handicap, I had a summer where my highest score was a 78. Now, if I can scrape it around in the low 80s, it will be a remarkable moral victory. I think I am still a capable scramble guy though... the ball jumps off my driver, but the closer I get to the hole, the more my "swing" or "stroke" resembles that of a mental patient coming off the Thorazine for the first time and playing with tardive dyskenesia. It is really, really ugly.
Stupid, stupid, stupid game.
I owe my playing better recently simply to being dead tired after working 5 conferences in 4 weeks. I don't have the energy to hit my patented over-the-top iron shots and to snap hook a drive here and there. After I get some rest and do some swimming, I'll be back missing greens with short irons with the worst of them.
Forgot to add. One can take hope. If a chipmunk like Chris Riley can post 6 under at Medinah, then there should be hope for decent golf from all of us.
Some FPGP players are already dreaming about a sea change in the standings.
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