Friday, September 14, 2007


Tiger is leading the Tour Championship.

This is exciting.

I almost can't handle the drama of the Fed Ex Cup Playoffs.

Perhaps I should take a Xanax or something.

I'd hate to have a heart attack and/or stroke from all of the excitement.


SteveV said...

The Fed Ex Cup is a joke. Just a way to get the big names to play more and get a ratings bump. How exciting can it be when only a few players out of the 30 remaining can actually win the thing!!!

It really hurts the other players trying to make a buck and finish in the top 125.

New Texan said...

One of the ESPN writers said it best... the Fed Ex Cup is about greed, so it is not interesting. The Fall Finish, on the other hand, is about survival. Real golf fans will find it more compelling than the Fed Ex Cup.

JS said...

I'd be more interested in a tournament of guy who are numbers 100 to 160 on the money list. That's a true tournament that's worth something.

New Texan said...

That's the point... tune in next week and for the rest of the Fall Finish.

JS said...

Ok, so this is how uninterested I am in the FED EX Cup crap. I didn't realize that there were other PGA Tour Events after this. So who does their "playoffs" 4/5 of the way through their season. HELLO PGA TOUR. What the F?

SteveV said...

It'd also be nice if the ending Cup venue didn't "penalize" you for shooting a 68.