Tuesday, September 11, 2007

OFF TOPIC: Huntington's Disease

I realize that this is off-topic and apologize, but I have to ask.

My sister-in-law's sister (Sandy Trudeau) is dying from a disease called Huntington's Disease. There is no cure but that doesn't mean one can't be found. My sister-in-law is taking part in an awareness walk in New Hampshire this weekend to help raise money for research into a cure for Huntington's Disease. I ask that you read her story about Sandy and if would, please donate whatever amount you feel comfortable with...$1, $5, $20. I donated $25 and hope you will consider a donation and to learn about Huntington's Disease. I am only asking because I know how much this is tearing up my sister-in-law. If I really wanted to be beg, I'd be asking y'all to buy magazines and wrapping paper for my kid's school. I hate that stuff.

Thanks FPGPers.



New Texan said...

I'll tell you what Shades... I'll pledge whatever my sidebet winnings from you this year... I have you locked in at $50 for the overall fantasy bet and either $35 or $45 on the weekly's. Toss in the Michelle Wie bet at $10 and the likely Dice-K bet at another $10, and that puts it over a hundo.

Rather than making two transactions (you to me, me to founation), why don't you go ahead and just do the donation directly, and we'll be all square on the sidebets.

JS said...

Sounds good. Thanks.

JS said...

Hey Rob, you want to be a good guy and donate your winnings from our Yankee/Blue Jays wager to go to the charity?

BostonBimma said...

New Tex,

If you want, you can donate the $20 you owe me for the 'lil Grinder bets we had instead of putting it towards next years FPGP entry fee.

New Texan said...

Bimma: Done.

Shades: Did you already do the donation I mentioned yesterday? IF not, don't. I'll do it all in one shot and get the tax write off afterall... you can just pay me what you owe through paypal.

Come on Rob... jump on the Giving Bandwagon. What are you going to do with an extra fitty anyway, buy a new suit?

SteveV said...

Rob would never overpay for a suit ---

New Texan said...

Well, you know him best... I just put "cheap" and "academic" together and came back with "$50 suit."

JS said...

No problem. Thanks again NT and thank you Bimma.

buzz said...

Haven't checked the blog lately, but sorry to hear about that shadely, its a disease that is unbeatable right now, but hopefully the $25 that i pledge from my blue jay winnings will help your kin.
After all, i'm in a damn good mood as YANKS JUST BEAT (NO STUN)THE STANK SOX...good thing sox were lucky to come back and take their last 2 from theee devil rays...

New Texan said...

You are a good man Robbo.

Can't help but ask this though. Why is it that the Yankees "stun" or "beat" the Red Sox when they come from behind, but the Sox were lucky against Tampa Bay to do the same? It seems to me that you are talking about the same thing, that is, late inning comebacks. Luck had little to do with any of those wins.

JS said...

Thanks Buzz. NT, I sent you a paypal on Friday, let me know if that was enough.

buzz said...

yea, i'm just a fan tex...member the fundamental attribution error? this is a variant...