Sunday, September 09, 2007

Good News, Bad News...

Bad news first... I played like I was on the Craig Perks' All-Star team yesterday. A miserable 80, that frankly could have been much worse. The good news... the course was set up so ridiculously tough that the leader came in at 75*. The better news is that only 3 other people broke 80. So, despite playing like a dog, I still have a slugger's chance in this thing. The funny thing is that I am more mad knowing that 75 was leading than if someone shot 70. I think of the two short putts I lipped out, the two balls I had to play sideways, etc. Lots of pissed away strokes. Oh well... I got good and drunk and watched the Cocks beat Georgia, so the day wasn't completely lost...

* There are 18 guys in the "championship" flight... all with 5 handicaps or better. And only 4 rounds in the 70s. Yeah, it was a bit ridiculous out there. One poor bastard shot 95 net 95.


talonflier said...

I won a club championship shooting 79-79, so it can be done. Althought the wind was cranking and the course was set up tough, I attribute that victory to the fact that a big local four ball tournament was going on and pulled at least a half dozen quality players away. I checked to make sure that there were no scores being etched on the trophy, just far as my kids will ever know I shot 69-69.

New Texan said...

Well, it wasn't meant to be for me today... played terrible, conditions were ridiculous (on the verge of tornadic towards the end), the round took nearly 6 hours, and I was hungover. Oh well... there's always next year.