Sunday, August 19, 2007

UPDATE 8/19/07

A rare Sunday night update for you... I have to go out of town tomorrow morning, and didn't want to leave anyone hanging. The lengths I go...

Anyway, no real changes since the last update... my lead over Bandit is a little bigger, but in terms of ordinal rankings... not much. Going into the Fed Ex Playoffs, here's where we all stand...

639 ..... Steve T. / Tex
564 ..... Da Bandit
423 ..... Vic / Talon
339 ..... Excal
307 ..... Johnny V.
306 ..... Stan the Man
291 ..... Stevie V.
243 ..... Timmy D. / Bimma
130 ..... Jeff / Shades
35 ..... Murph/MG
18 ..... Robbo / Buzz
-30 ..... Tev
-81 ..... Krust

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