Saturday, March 01, 2008

Better short pick: Calc or Duke?

With Woody Austin making at least $130K in the Accenture Match Play thru Friday, it looks like either Calc or Duke could be the best of the short picks. Ken Duke made $1,927,102 on the PGA Tour last year, while Mark Calcavecchia made $2,993,332. Both players may have way overachieved last year. Time will tell, but with short picks in the FPGP consisting of Steve Stricker, who is over $1 million in earnings and KJ Choi, who is over $1.3 million in earnings, it could be Calc or Duke that turn out to be the best short pick.

I'll keep hoping that Mark Wilson finds a way to miss cuts and in no way defend his win at the Honda Classic in 2007. And as for Mr. Appleby, damn you ESPN's Jason Sobel. I listened to your comments on Appleby and all he has done is overachieve this year. If Appleby is going through the motions, I bet New Tex will be psyched when Appleby applies himself. Couldn't Appleby do what other foreign golfers have done and hang out in Europe until March. Nooooooo. That would have been the right thing to do. Instead he has to come here and have top 10 finishes and beat Mickelson in match play. Damn you Appleby. Damn you!


New Texan said...

Damn that Aquaman! And damn that Adam Scott for not putting him away when he had the chance.

You need to stop listening to Sobel... he's an idiot. He called every tough match in the first round the wrong way, and hedged on a lot of others. Plus, calling Stuart Appleby a "foreign player" is like calling Russell Crowe a "foreign actor". These guys may not have been born on our shores, but they sure make all their money here (Appleby has 0 career wins in europe, and only a couple in Australia, the last one being 7 years ago).

talonflier said...

Since I have shorted both, I think you analysis is pure brlliance.

New Texan said...

Vic, I foresee Ken Duke winning two Fall Finish events to knock you out of the money; this will also launch you into full lobbyist mode for "the FPGP season should end with the Fed Ex Cup!!!"

talonflier said...

No doubt in my mind, that's exactly how this plays out. I still can't haven't recovered from being money ousted by events that wouldn't even merit coverage on "the ocho."

JS said...

Guess it's Duke.