The perennial middle-of-the-packer, Team Steve V., will make a big move this week! You heard it here 1st. And yes, this is a slap in the face to the FPGP jinx. To borrow from Monty Python, "No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time."
Steve V, you going to force Darren Clarke to play in the US by some means of force? That might be the only "big move" that will help your team. DLIII is done. Shiggy isn't shiggy wit it. And DC, well, he's just happy to be playing in Europe, Asia and anywhere else where he can finish 20th and make the same amount in euros as if he finished 4th in the good ol' USA.
"I say team Steve V. finishes in the FPGP top 5 this year."
Wow! Brave words, rare deeds! Holy shit, that's as bold as saying that the Cardinals will finish 3rd in the NL Central this year or that my school will make it to the NIT.
How 'bout 25 bucks that my team beats yours? Wait a second, that's the bet you waltzed away from earlier this year.
Apparently waltzing is contagious around here. Da Bandit (a UCLA alum) refused to make a bet with Robbo, who offered to give him the Bruins with points!
in fairness, i goofed this... MG is tied for 3rd. The totals are right, but she should be up a spot.
The perennial middle-of-the-packer, Team Steve V., will make a big move this week! You heard it here 1st. And yes, this is a slap in the face to the FPGP jinx. To borrow from Monty Python, "No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time."
Vodo, you can't jinx a lousy team... that's like someone for the Royals going out and talking about their 1 game winning streak and fearing the jinx.
Steve V, you going to force Darren Clarke to play in the US by some means of force? That might be the only "big move" that will help your team. DLIII is done. Shiggy isn't shiggy wit it. And DC, well, he's just happy to be playing in Europe, Asia and anywhere else where he can finish 20th and make the same amount in euros as if he finished 4th in the good ol' USA.
I once had a professor who made office hours enjoyable by having wine available. 10:24 AM is a bit over the top!
How else to explain the shit that stevev is tossing out there? April Fool's joke?
This is getting interesting. I say team Steve V. finishes in the FPGP top 5 this year. Any side bets out there for 20 bucks?
I have to call Clarke and get his passport cleared to enter the States
"I say team Steve V. finishes in the FPGP top 5 this year."
Wow! Brave words, rare deeds! Holy shit, that's as bold as saying that the Cardinals will finish 3rd in the NL Central this year or that my school will make it to the NIT.
How 'bout 25 bucks that my team beats yours? Wait a second, that's the bet you waltzed away from earlier this year.
Now this is the kind of chest thumping that has been lacking this year. Well done boys!
Long live the commish!
All praise the commish!
Apparently waltzing is contagious around here. Da Bandit (a UCLA alum) refused to make a bet with Robbo, who offered to give him the Bruins with points!
No walkin' da walk for the man from Boca.
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