Excal is cruising... his team is a near perfect blend of players. He's not hanging his hat on any one guy, and they are pretty much all producing for him at this point. A Tour de Force. Unstoppable? Perhaps. I know this... we all better start pulling for Paul Goydos and Steve Flesch.
Hmmm....am I the only one who will comment on this brilliant start!! Ooops! Ssssssshhhhus....the Gloating Gods are listening.
Nice start Excal. I'm very impressed with you early lead. I think its time for an old tradition to try an slow down Team Excal. As of 7:oo A.M. central standard time I have thrown a "Root Foot" on your ass. A technique not so commonly used to Jinx an opponent when they are on a hot streak. While I'm at it, I might as well throw one on New Tex as well.
Excal, what month is it? And who's that in the rear view mirror?
Oh oh oh! I know!
"The guy who has never cashed in this pool" is in the rear view mirror! Be scared excal!!! Even blind squirrels find an acorn from time to time, and Team Omar may just sneak up on ya!
Shize.... bring on the mojo. My wife tried that nonsense in 2004 (she's a Yankee fan) and it did her no good.
Excal is a leader in disguise.
How comfy can he feel with a team that is relying on Franco, McGovern and Stadler (jr)? Na, Ridings and Green may have peaked. So barring some sort of historic trade, he has nowhere to go but down.
Uh... you both have Ridings, so that is not a factor.
Team Excal is the perfect blend baby... he doesn't need one of his guys to pull almost half of his points (cough, cough, Ben Crane, cough cough). His only problem is that he is so solid, me may find it difficult to find anyone to trade. Meanwhile, Team Shades has several guys floundering... Duval, Uresti, Stroud...
And no, you can't use your CASWAS trade for your Shades' team.
Yes, I too have a few guys at peaks, but I also have half my team that has little to no downside. I can also trade someone without give up much, if any, points in the process. But last I checked it's only March, unless you are declaring Excal the winner now and sending him a check.
New Tex, you are da' man! Clearly stating the facts, with little to no bias. And team Omar in the rear veiw? Can't see him 'cause of the dust
Shades, I hate to overwhelm you this process we call "logic" but you declaring that you are in his rear view mirror is as ridiculous as anyone declaring him the winner (which I didn't), because in your words "it's only March." The only definitive statements we can make at this point is "Ryan is not going to cash in this pool". Then again, I knew that when he sent his picks in before the season.
Plus, you may be in his rear view mirror, but you are still two cars back (3rd place smack talking? really?). So don't get too excited. I know you have it all figured out with the your "little or no downside" theories (aka the Kuehne/Perks Argument), but one could argue that guys who can't make cuts also have little or no upside. If team O-man (I hope I make a cut) does well, we'll change the name of the theory to the "Blind Squirrel Finds Nut" Theory. I mean, after picking dozens of guys like that over the years, you have to get lucky with one eventually!
And finally, Excal could dump Stadler on Monday, put more distance between the two of you, and 'bandit' one of your picks to put a decent sized daggar in your chances. This is a chess match, and you're out there playing checkers.
Collectively, I think we all better hope that Steve Flesch and Paul Goydos make some money out there, or Excal is going to be tough to catch.
I could be in 5th and still be "in" his rear view.
As for Stadler, he could dump Stadler Jr. and I could dump a guy too and still would have more guys with greater upside potential. Will that potential be reached? Who knows, but then again who knew that DJ Trahan and Steve Lowery would have won on the PGA tour this year?
I liked your original comment better, but I guess after reading it you had to back off... otherwise, you are saying that we are all in his rear view mirror which is about as insightful as saying "the sun is going to come up tomorrow". Clearly your tone meant something else... but yeah, I can read... oh, I can also read all the comments that come through, even if they get deleted... it's good to be commish.
I knew you could see that comment, but I figured the argument went far enough.
It's good to have you as Commish. I don't know who else would want to do the spreadsheet every week.
I can agree that we need Goydos to have a huge week.
It's a labor of love...
plus after 10 years, i have it down to a science...
Speaking of Excal, late night I received a drunken call from the boy, obviously being egged on by da Rodent. Both are in Charlotte.
Does anyone know of a beer company in Charlotte that I can invest in for the short term?
It's nice to know that these 40-something year old "adults" are still able to bring themselves to drunk dial. Did you hear a lot of "tee hee hee" in the background?
I need to rethink Excal's invite to Texas for the Nelson...
I actually did hear childish laughing in the background; you're good.
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