Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What, No Chirping?

Robbo and Vic... what's up? Kind of quiet out there the last couple days... you guys only get excited about the Stankees when they win a game or two?

Those Angels are sons of bitches, no?


New Texan said...

Well, at least Hurray Rod hit a couple dingers.

The Halos really have the Stanks' number, don't they?

BostonBimma said...

Great one Tex!!!

I always find it funny that Yankees fans boast when the are up on the Sox (how much better they are, 26 championships, etc) but when it turns, all you hear is excuses (bad pitching, blah blah blah) or better yet...SILENCE!!!!

Go Angels!!!

New Texan said...

Yes, and then there is the chirping when they are 4 games out. I can't think of a more illustrative example of how far that franchise has fallen... getting all excited while being behind the Sox 4 games (now 6... and 2.5 in the wild card).

New Texan said...

The 4 game out chirping (did I mention that is now 6?) is like some jackass receiver catching a first down pass, and making a big celebratory FIRST DOWN! jesture... while being down 10 points and with time running out.

First rule of sports trash talk... don't chest pound when you are behind.

buzz said...

fellas, fellas, some of us gotta work so cant comment daily on a race that has a longgg way to go (5 back now, after the sux lost to TB). no surprise that yanks lost 2/3 in CA...they keep pitching to Anderson, which is usually a mistake...

chest pounding and chirping - how dramatic. i merely noted the yanks have done what they needed to do to get back in a race...weren't they just down 12 a month or 2 ago?
just gave me pause to remember '78 when they came back from 14 and absolutely broke every heart (again) from boston to stockbridge, from portland to provincetown to pawtucket, and from reading to raynham...what a year, capping it off by spanking the dodgers.

New Texan said...

"some of us gotta work..."

Now that is funny.

It will be more funny watching the Yanks not make the playoffs.

talonflier said...

Wow New Tex and Bimma! You guys sound like you were working yourselves up to a Yankee-hating climax, and predictably it took under 6 minutes.

New Texan said...

Talon... the only thing that was impotent this week was the Yankee's offense.

Great game last night though...

It's funny how a few games against good teams has taken the luster off the turd that is the Yankees.

buzz said...

you proud, i know, that the red sux put down the white sux pretty good...cant wait for yanks-sox head-to-head, better out them down now as i'm sure you wouldn't want them to get in playoffs as a wildcard.

New Texan said...

oh poor delusional rob... this series only matters if the yanks sweep it. taking 2/3 will bring them no glory... and of course, losing the series pretty much ends the season for them, at least in terms of the AL East. Hell, even if they do sweep, they are 5 back.

and I'd love to see the yankees in a short series! in case you haven't noticed, they are not very good. I'd rather play them than the Angels or the Mariners, that's for sure.

that said, i do fear the "wounded animal" a bit... after a 16-0 drubbing tonite, and with their backs against the wall, this could be the best baseball the Yankees play all season. for your sake, it better be.