Da Rodent wins in the closest event yet in the challenge. None of his four players collapsed and in combination with Els' 66 he held on at 1129; talonflier was second at 1138; Voodoo finished third with 1139; and Boca was tail end charlie with a 1167 total. Voodoo wins the season share and $80 + $40@ for the events he won for $160. Da Rodent won twice for $80, so he is essentially a push. Boca and I, the losers that we are, will render $80@ to the Champion and F U!
This side bet stuff makes my middle-of-the-pack FPGP performance a lot easier to take. Thanks to da Bandit and Talonflier for their support!!! Robbo ought to send Boo (aka Jethro Bodine) a few bucks to enroll in a "ciphering" class.
It's fun for us front runners also!
I have $100 off Excal, and around $75 or so from Jeff in our weekly Fed Ex bets. Poor Jeff looks like he is going to cough up $50 to Robbo on the "Blue Jays better than the Yankees" bet as well.
Don't forget the $20 you owe me New Tex!!! :) Not sure where/when you want to try to win that back, but I am open to suggestions!!
Oh yeah... I did forget about that. I'll toss in $20 for your admission to next year's pool, if that works. I don't want to send a check and then get one back.
If you were a Yanks fan, I'd ask you to let it ride on their chances in the AL East...
That will work New Tex. No sense sending $$$ back and forth.
"F" the Yankees!! Even with the past few weeks, and Gagne looking like he couldn't pitch in Williamsport at the LL World Series....I'll still take the SOX to win the AL East!!! No worries here!!! I'll let my $20 ride on that if there are any takers??
spot me 4 games Bimma and ya got an even-up bet!
Robbo, you can't have it both ways... you can't do a chest-thump from time to time about the Yankees on a nice run and then also squirm for four games. They are either going to win the division or not. The question isn't about who is going to have the best record between now and the end of the season.
What a great illustration of why they call the man... The Rodent.
Being spotted 4 games is hardly a straight up bet Robbo!! Especially since they still have 6 games against each other. What's the matter, no faith in the Yankees??
That's exactly the bet Tex! Why the heck would I or anyone spot the sox 4 games? the other variant of the bet that might be more to both your likings is giving me odds: I will accept 3.5-1 minimally. my 20 spot to your $70.
aint a matter of "faith" - its a matter of pitching.
It's about big mouthed Yankee fans pounding on their chest now that they are within shouting distance (after 2 months) of the Sox... either put up or shut up. Take the Yanks to win the division or stop with the "look who's catching up on the Red Sox..." You can't have it both ways...
On a side note, I can't believe the Orioles took 2 out of 3 from both of our teams in a week... yikes.
ok, so any comment from a yank fan triggers the shit outta you...i see. lifelong history of trauma, going back to '78, i guess will do that to most anyone from the beantown area.
vic, any comment?
For me, it only goes back to '86 and the "Billy Buckner" snafu. But, luckily, that was against the Mets.
I'm with you Tex!!!! All the Way!!!! GO SOX!!!!!!!!
Oh Robbo... I'd comment on your obvious lack of education (based on your reading comprehension skills), but we went to the same damned school. Shit.
Anyway... it is not ANY comment from ANY Yankee fan. It is the obnoxious ones (which granted, is the vast majority). It seems to me that you can't get all "oh look out the Yanks are going to win" AND "give me 4 games in the bet." You either put up or shut up. Since you are unwilling to put up, I'd suggest the latter. Or do you want 5.5 games now?
Oddly, I was playing golf with a Yankee fan the other day, a guy from work who may be in the FPGP next year. Typical young, arrogant, New Yorker, but I like him nonetheless. He can't play golf worth a shit, but on 15 he makes a long putt for par as I made a bogey... and he starts chirping! We weren't even in a bet! I said something to the effect of "I am 3 over... you are a million over... why are you getting all excited??" and of course he said "yeah, but I beat you on THIS hole." That pissed me off, so I said "let's play $50 a hole the rest of the way!" and he said "make it $100!". I couldn't believe it. He didn't even ask for strokes (making him more of a man than Da Rodent, albeit much more ignorant).
I don't expect to be paid... hell, I don't even want it, as it was not a fair bet and he was easily goaded into it. The point:
Yankees fans are morons.
Couldn't have said it any better Tex!!!
If the Yanks were 4 games up...I wonder if Robbo would be willing to give up 4 games in a similar bet?! I doubt it. It is just typical Yankee-fan mentality!!
If it was just a matter of pitching (as Robbo mentioned), it is their own fault. God, I wish the Boss would pay me $18 million for a 4-5 record with a 4.00 ERA!!! hahahahahahaha THANK YOU ROGER!!!
But, I digress, I could talk about moronic Yankee fans (which is a bit redundant) all day long....
New Tex, I have just submitted your application for President of Red Sox Nation!!!
Thanks Bimma... while I am honored to get your nod for President, I defer to my boy, Fitzy. If you've not seen his weekly video blog, I suggest you check it out ASAP.
All are worth watching, but check out the August 3rd edition where he tosses his hat in the ring to be president of RSN.
Tex, I watch those all the time. He so eloquently captures the essence of Southie and the takes on the Sox. Funny stuff!!
OK New Tex, let me put you in a double bind. Is not your story of the obnoxious Yankee fan who beat you on one hole out of 18 and acted like he was superior somewhat analgous to Red Sox fan (who has won one championship in the last bazillion years to the Yanks 26 championships) who screams of parity with the Bronx Bombers? Would you like to change your plea now Mr. Mexico...er Vick? Being a rational fan I think Boston is too loaded with arms from starting pitching to closing to lose even 50% of their remaining games (44). Even if they did they would finish with a 95-70 record which would require the Yankees to go 28-16 (63%) to tie, which the Sox would likely own the tiebreaker in head to head. More than likely the sox will go at worst 25-19 requiring the Yanks to win just over 70% of their remianing games. With the pitching they have and the cyclic nature of their hitting (albeit crushing when hot) that ain't going to happen. Red Sox will win the division by about 6 games going about 99-66. Now, I am hoping the Yankees hit enough hot streaks to out distance Seattle and the runner-up in the Central. IF, they make it into the playoffs the Yankees are the most dangerous team because they can get their bats hot and they become hard to beat in a series. I doubt they can sustain through two rounds of playoffs and the WS. Crowing over one championship and one division title is like freaking out over the stock market when it drops 1000 in a month. Real fans are in for the long haul and look at the trends with long legs...Yanks have some great young arms coming up and some good young bats...the evil empire is about to strike back for another decade of dominance now that they figured out you need an influx/base of young arms to win, and not just old aces.
Well said, as usual...
I've never claimed parity with the Yankees. Ever. They are the best baseball franchise in history. That said, if you want to stretch back in history to count all 26 championships, at least do the sox the same and not say "1 in a bazillion years." In fact, only two franchises have won more world series than the Sox... Yankees and St.L. Well, technically the A's have more also, but half were in Philly, so that is weird. Either way, if the championships from 70 years ago count for the Yanks, I think the ones from 80+ years ago count for the Sox, no?
The yanks do have some nice young pitching... but in case you haven't noticed, the Sox young pitching is probably better. Lester, Beckett (who is still very young... you Yanks fans remember him right? Game 6? World Series? When the Marlins danced in the Bronx?), Dice-K, Buckholz (who was mucho impressive in his first ML start today). We also have the best closer in the game, who is... young. Hmmmmm... I wouldn't start counting future chickens quite yet Talon. The Sox are this good this year with abnormally low productiong out of Manny and Ortiz... good teams don't rely on hitting, which is why the Yanks haven't won a Series in 7 years, and why teams like the Angels (and Tigers now) own them in short series.
But then again, we do have Eric Fucking Gagne... who is in the midst of blowing another save right now. Tito should write him off and never put him in another game for the rest of the season. Doesn't it figure that a frigging frog from the Rangers is single handedly destroying the Red Sox bullpen?
"I've never claimed parity with the Yankees. Ever. They are the best baseball franchise in history.") That was well said.
- yup, sux lose another tonite that they should have won...at home.
- yup, vic waxes historically eloquent again, and i'm a pop-off yankee fan because i like to see tight races and want to make it more interesting by taking it game-by-game from here on out! and yes bimma, i would spot you 5 games if yanks had the lead , or give you odds as i did shades, to make it fair.
- and I have a big mouth, but I DONT HAVE MY OWN BLOG! (which our canuck friend finds interesting btw - i simply dont care what people think and write online - nothin personal).
- finally, before i get a glass of wine, i bet if tex grew up a few hours down the seaboard from NE he would be the same obnoxious yank fan he purports to abhor!
tell me i'm wrong on that, someone, please...
I thought there was no way I could get away with using the term "double bind" in an FPGP blog and not get blasted with some S&M scenario that included zippy ties, pleather products, and a food group.
Oh Robbo... sorry it took so long to get back to this fascinating discussion. I made the mistake of playing 36 today in the Texas heat. Ugh.
Maybe you should set up a blog... it's kind of fun and somewhat therapeutic. It could be chock full of Yankee thoughts, memories, etc. Everyone's doing it... come on... be cool. And of course Excal finds it interesting... he's easily amused. The man actually dressed as a mime while at my house and thought that was high humor. Oddly, those were the nicest clothes he wore that weekend, but that is a different subject altogether.
If I grew up further south... probably would have been a Mets fan. if you grew up in Boston, would you be a Sox fan? Is it as simple as geography?
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