Sunday, August 12, 2007

Zombie of DiVincenzo Turns on Voodoo

Oh the humanity! Voodoo was cruising to a threepeat and the season title when Seeeergio DQs at the PGA yesterday. Apparently that lovable Milton HS graduate, Boo Weekly, never really grasped the whole ordinal numbers thing and set up Garcia by marking down a 4 that was really a 5 (Democrats are calling for a special prosecutor and will question Gonzalez on this). The collateral damage also ended Boca's last hopes for a win and left both FPGPers short of four players forcing the application of the High 3 (avg of 3 highest pro scores) rule. Voodoo's other selections have been so strong he absorbed the Rd 3 score (79) and still holds the narrowest of leads at 849. Da Rodent is nipping his heels at 850 and has 4 players and no room for error. Talonflier has five players eligible and is within range at 856. Boca is along for the ride at 867. Rob appears in the driver's seat, but one bad score...or WD...or DQ...and I am right there. This will be the closest result yet so here is the tiebreaker refresh (Voodoo/-6; da Rodent/-3; Talonflier/-9).


SteveV said...

Ryan Benzel (along with Sergi-blow and Boo Boo) are killing me!!!

buzz said...

I like my chances to take my 2nd title this year Vic - I look forward to your tally...

buzz said...

...and maybe a comment along with final scores about the yankee sweep IN cleveland, and their creep to within 4. AL east race not quite over, eh tex?

New Texan said...

I am officially rattled... the Sox gave up two leads in Bal... this has an eerie feeling to it.