Friday, April 20, 2007

New Trade Policy / Eat Crow Open Update

To keep things on the up and up, please send all future trade requests to Jeff... since I am in the thick of it, and still have a trade to make myself, I think I'd have an unfair advantage if people sent me their trade info. I don't want to be labeled "Bandit 2."

The Eat Crow Open is set for late Sunday afternoon. Rumor has it that JG is letting me choose the format. Pretty confident for a guy hopping off a plane and going to the golf course. Clearly he has no respect for my match play record during my senior year in h.s. (14-2). Sure, that was almost 20 years ago, and I played a bunch of no-talent hacks in Massachusetts, but that is not the point. Still, although I think my best format is probably "drink a beer after every hole" that is probably not appropriate. We'll go with "match play, please... thanks."

What is the over under on what hole JG closes me out? And if any of you say "10th" I am going to be very hurt. If JG says "10th" then it is on!!! Ha! Yeah, right... ugh.

If possible, I'll call Jeff with the status after the front nine, so he can post a little "live scoring" here. As always, no news will be bad news for me. I don't know that I am going to take the time to call with a "yeah, JG shot 32 on the front to my 43, and I am 8 down with 9 to play... time to press" message. My best play may be to suffer an Al Czervik-esque injury, and get Danny Noonan to sub for me.

On that note, I will be seeking advice from my spiritual guru this weekend. No, not my friggin sports psychologist friend. Carl Spackler!


JS said...

My email address is

JS said...

Oh, and hole #14 if match play and by 8 strokes if stroke play. By 3 strokes by his caddie.

New Texan said...

Wow... No love.

talonflier said...

You'll be 4 down at the turn, drop 2 out of the next 4 and be done after #13.

jg59 said...

I am thinking more like... well, I will just keep that to myself! Sleep tight, sucka!

New Texan said...

And there you have it...

I can't wait to see how you play with one arm! Afterall, in that original post, you said you could beat me with your "one good arm"!!! Sucka!!

jg59 said...

:) See you this afternoon. As I said before, please, leave pride aside! Looking forward to it!

New Texan said...

oh it is sooooooo on...

there better be no calls from MG... "oh his flight was cancelled." Bring it!!!!

(oh sweet jesus)