I'm a Hank Kuehne or Craig Perks top 10 away from making some real noise in this thing. Oh and by-the-way Mr. Couch. I dropped Axe because
he and his pink head covers (not that there is anything wrong with that) seemed happy with just making the cut. Your stats were much better than his, but don't start pulling the same deal as Axe. You and most golf fans know that your little cross handed chip-in last year at the NOLA event was about as lucky as winning the lottery. You did get some decent coin for that even though you sure did look like you wanted to just have a top 10 in that event last year. Let's see you win again. Maybe this time without having to rely on all that luck at the end. When Gut-check is better on my team than you, we have a problem. At least try to be better than the other known Couch. He didn't last long in his sport and your window on the PGA looks even shorter.
Mr. Couch, please understand that you are not the sole reason for the demise of my FPGP team. But when Craig Perks and Hank Kuehne haven't even played in 1 event and have more FPGP points (and those are far more important than FEDEX points) we have to try to light a fire under you butt.
2007 Results: Chris Couch
Hmmmmm... what is the line on Perks making a top 10 this year? 5:1 against?
And if posting a picture of Tim Couch doesn't jinx your band of merry men, I don't know what will.
Kuehne and Perks making a top ten?!?! You funny, man, real funny.
Perks couldn't post a top ten in a local tournament. Amateur tournament. In rural Poland!
By the by, I believe Perksy did tee it up in NOLA. Shades didn't probably notice the results as one would have risked a stiff neck looking way down the charts for his typical score.
I noticed the hard work he put in to fire that 75 on Friday. It was a working man's 75, just not a working PGA Tour player's 75. More like the 75 the guy who works nights at the post office and plays golf during the day shoots from time to time. But Mr. Post Office guy doesn't tee it up on tour otherwise he too would be on my FPGP team as an up-and-comer.
Mr. Post Office guy beat me 5-4 in the second round of the City of Bridgeport Muni club championship in 1972. My last round in real competition.
He's probably got a son who works at the same downtown Bridgeport, CT station and can whip Perks 5-4 tomorrow.
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