In all seriousness, it was a very humbling experience. The man is an amazing golfer, but an even better "guy." We had a ton of laughs, mostly at my expense, and I got to watch some jaw dropping drives. The man is seriously intimidating off the tee, unless you are not intimidated by 310 yard ropes that are consistently down the sprinkler line, and that is not even close to being an exaggeration. There are two par 4s at the TPC Craig Ranch that are "driveable"... he hit it stiff on one, and was a bad bounce away from stiff on the other. I mean, the man doesn't try to drive the greens... he tries to hit it close from 330. That's just sick, and frankly, intimidating.
The best thing that happened to me in the match was winning the toss for the first tee. I pull hooked one left and JG hit one in a decent spot. From 129 and over a tree or two, I stuck it in there about 15 feet. The putt was uphill and left to right... after JG missed his birdie putt, he said "looks dead down hill and right edge, eh?" Perfect. Now I knew we'd be giving shit to each other! I missed the putt, but it was a "stroke hole" so I was suddenly 1 up. I continued to scramble around and JG couldn't make a putt, so my 1 up lead was good for a while. On 6, I duck hooked one on a par 5. JG was gracious enough to ask if I wanted to hit another one, but I didn't, as my ball was still in play. He blasted it about 320 dead down the middle. I hit a decent 3-wood back into play. His 2nd shot came up short in a bunker. My sand wedge was about 25 feet past the pin, and he blasted out to about 8 feet. This was the critical point in the "match." I figured I had to make mine... and I did! I gave a little victory dance and what not... I think I told him to "hit it close" with his putt. And he just nailed it dead center. Ouch. I guess I'll get to go to my grave saying "I forced a Tour Pro to make an 8-footer to avoid going 2-down to me"... as if that means something.
On the next hole, he hit it stiff with his driver... sick... just sick. I clearly woke up a sleeping giant. I joked "hey, you pushed it you hack"... as if I could rattle the dude that just hit it 6 feet from 330... He missed his putt, but I made a slappy par, so we were even. I actually won the next hole clean (i.e., no strokes) with a par, and I was 1 up thru 7. The erratic (i.e., God Awful) driver caught up to me, and JG won 8 and 9. One down thru 9. The real problem was that he got the damned tee... you want tough? Follow JG off the tee. He is a machine. The man can drive his golf ball... of course, I pressed, trying to keep up, which is stupid... and hit the ball all over the course.
I was dormie 4 on the 15th tee... 190 yard par 3, playing dead down wind. JG hit 7 iron about 20 feet past the hole. I hit 8-iron (woot!!!) about 12 feet pin high... he missed and I had a putt to continue the match, but left it short right... just like the amateur hack I am. Four and three... a pretty sound whooping.
I really don't know what we shot, as I was focused on the holes... I know I turned in 39, and JG was even or 1-under. I think I was 41 or 42 on the back, and he was another 1 or 2 under. So, 80-81 for me, 70-71 for him, and he never made a putt. The man cut through a 7000 yard track in 30 mph wind like a hot knife through butter, and I was just trying to survive.
In terms of the more important things... the man is a prince. Many a "good shot" were sent my way, even when I'd hit it 30 feet long with a sand wedge, or something else that was clearly not a "good shot" by his standards. Many laughs were had... can you believe he actually printed out my/our comments and brought them to the course???... all in good fun.
We all get behind this guy because he has proven to be way cool on the blog... I mean, let's face it, he didn't run into a JG Fan Club site. But seriously... this is one of the good guys. He's someone worth rooting for. He can golf the hell out of his ball, he can be gracious and funny, and he can sling back a few beers at your house after a round. Truly a pro, and overall super guy. I for one am humbled by the grace and overall character of the man.
Now get it done this week big guy... we'll have one helluva victory party for you!
thanks NT! I had a great time! Thank you for the Shiner Bocks after the round too! Your wife is a wonderful person (and should be a saint!) I just want to know one thing... how long did you have to suck it in for that picture?
She's definitely a saint... now you know why she lets me play as much golf as I want... it's to get me out of her hair!
Sucking it in? Hey, I was trying to bloat it out to make you feel better!!! hahaha!
I've never met New Tex. But, it's kinda hard to hold your breeath and smile at the same time, bravo! The sheer size of NT's head in the photo (it could be a planet) brought back memories of the Monty Python ("it's only a waffer") scene when the guy blows up at the dinner table.
On another note, good luck in the Nelson JG. I could use a few points in the FPGP!
JG, don't feel bad. NT was about as big, if not bigger wide than you just a few short months ago. Lucky for him that he grew about 4 inches and hit the gym. Sounds like it was a good time.
I'm looking forward to getting to the big D to see some PGA Tour golf and play poor amateur golf.
JG/MG, hope to see you on 18 late on Sunday.
I don't know much about golf, but if I were to just make two quick comments.......
That beating reminds me of NT's 1999 prison shower game of drop the soap. and....
The pic just leaves me wanting to say "Hey there Barney old friend, this shirt still fits." "Mine too Freddy ol pal."
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