Just another reason I can't pull for Tiger. I have trouble pulling for a guy who plays only 15 events and wins $9 million. Yes, he earned it, but I can't pull for him when he is too busy pushing cars for Buick rather than playing in tournaments that got him that opportunity. If he's not playing a tournament because of his family or is gearing up for a long season with another event in mind, that would be fine. That simply wasn't the case this week, unless he has family in the greater Detroit area.
I want to pull for PGA Golfers that play golf. 15 events is not enough for the top golfer in the world. Tiger is just a rock star that happens to be the best golfer in the world. What a shame for the PGA tour and the game of golf.
I guess if you want to see the greatest golfer in the world, you have to go to the Detroit Auto Show.
Well, you can be the president of a very small club... the "I Don't Like Tiger Club." Personally, I think it is great that he is able to dominate the Tour the way he does and does so by playing a limited schedule. He doesn't seem to care about the cash as much as he cares about victories.
And Jeff, did you protest Jordan durin the 92 Olympics also? He had a sponsor conflict with Team USA's apparal and there was all kinds of controversy over that.
Finally, if anyone can understand a guy working "part-time" it should be you! :-)
Tiger doesn't care about the cash? He took about $5 million to play tournaments in Nov & Dec overseas. So he cares about the cash. He just cares more about the cash than he does playing the PGA Tour.
To equate the Olympics with the NBA makes no sense. Isn't the Olympics for amateur athletes not professionals anyway. So no, I didn't protest Jordon's Olympic non-appearance.
Working part-time? What's this "work" thing.
Ame, New Texan.
"What a shame for the PGA tour and the game of golf."
Yeah, damn shame. He should leave so that the purses and the general interest-level in golf can revert to their pre-Tiger levels.
Shades for someone with
1. more available time than any of us
2. the same level of sports passion
your post is amazingly bad. Have you not watched the Olympics? It may have been about amateurs a decade or so ago, but now it is filled by professionals. And it wasn't a non-appearance by Jordan... he played on the '92 Dream Team, he just didn't want to wear the warm ups that were provided by a non-Nike entity, and he made a huge deal about it.
I don't understand your position on Tiger... Bandit hits it right on the head... purses, interest, etc. are all way greater than pre-Tiger. These guys now play on a tour where you can finish 70th on the money list and make a million dollars, and people actually care about the game.
You may also have missed the news that Tiger announced his wife's pregnancy the week before the Mercedes... so maybe he was more interested in staying at home with her, and letting that little media storm die down.
In any event, every shred of objective evidence points to the fact that Tiger has made the PGA Tour more popular and profitable for everyone involved. To paraphrase Col. Jessup, "rather than question Tiger's methods, I'd rather you just say 'thank you.'"
NT, So how is Tiger playing in more than 15 events bad for PGA Tour Purse's?
You have Olympic Fever or something?
"Wife is pregnant. We want to spend time together. I'm off to DETROIT." Yes I understand that it takes time to prepare for a tournament, but unless his wife's pregnancy was an OOPS, he would have had plenty of time. But noooo, instead of taking time for his "family" in Nov. and Dec., he chooses to do that in January.
SIDE BET? I'll bet $10 that Tiger does NOT finish in the Top 5 this year on the Money list.
Gee, you think a guy who's wife will be popping out their first kid in the summer won't finish in the top 5 on the money list? What a wild prediction! And you want to put a whole $10 on it? Make it $100 and in the Top 10, and you have a bet.
You need to dust off an Econ book... nothing about him playing in more than 15 events would be BAD for the Tour... the fact is that he EXISTS is good for the Tour. Everyone's boat has risen by the Tiger Tide. There were 93 millionaires on Tour last year. The year before Tiger joined full time (1996), there were 9. That is not some weird coincidence or the effect of inflation. What more would you have the man do for the Tour?
And the average salary for a bench player in baseball is over a million now too. No thanks to Tiger Woods?
Anyway, enough of that argument. On to the side bet. With all the side bets and the fact that I don't work for a living so I have to spread my gambling dollars around. The wager is $20 (I'll up it a little) and I'll make it top 6. Take it or leave it.
Thanks for giving a great example of spurious logic. Hell, my salary is up 4x from what it was in 1996. By your argument, I should send Tiger a "thank you" card.
Top 8, $50. That is as low as I go on either. $20 bets for the season are yawners.
No bet on Tiger.
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