Speaking of betting, and thanks to da Bandit's suggestion, here's a shot of Robbo at Johnny V's Monkey Hill Bar in New Orleans. He's looking at a TV after a triple by Scott Spiezio in the Cardinals-Mets series. Da Rodent was on his way to lose another baseball bet, this one to me! Those wanting some betting action are hereby advised to contact Rob, it's like money in da bank (just ask Joel).
He looks like someone just lit his cat on fire or something.
"Meet the Mets... Beat the Mets..."
Looks like you laugh last on those bets Robbo!
"Every dog as his day."
- Shakespeare
- Lee Trevino
I detect a bit of nervous petulance in "Buzz's" response, since I don't believe anyone questioned whether he was "too old and washed up." Lots of stress there. Hopefully, a few solid office hours in a row might alleviate the tenseness.
Anyhow, good to see that tradition lives on as Da Rodent is well-established as an early season FPGP icon. We'll see him in September, if it's not too dark down in Robbo's warren.
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