I am sending Jeff the spreadsheet so he can adjust our sidebar and whatnot, so you should be able to see everyone's picks in the next day or so. Again, in the interets of transparency in this administration, here are Jeff and my picks:
My Regulars: Dimarco, Els, Furyk, Kuchar, Leanord, Na, Perez
My Shorts: Durant, Wetterich
Jeff's Regulars: Axley, Couch, Gutschewski, Hoffman, Kuehne, Na, O'Hair, Perks
Jeffs Short: Micheel
We have an interesting first time phenomenon (as far as I can remember) this year. Three players were both shorted and picked as regular picks. This could create some intersting fireworks. The players were Wetterich, Axley, and Leanord.
In the original rules, I indicated that if we had 15 players, we'd give $100 back to the last place finisher... the so-called "Duffer Award." We did not meet that number, but I would like to suggest that we institute the Duffer Award anyway, but rather than take $100 out of this prize pool, this year's Duffer just gets a free entry into next year's pool. If anyone has a problem with that, speak up. Otherwise, I am making it so.
Let the games begin!
I'd rather pay the person their $100 back rather than short the pool $100 next year, but either way is really fine with me. Good idea.
Someone shorted Justin Leonard at 109??? Wow ---
Oh, I just saw the picks on the blog. Who is Tev?
By the way, I see that the dawdling, time-management- challanged Rodent has 4 of my picks again! A true rat bastard. But, if history is any guide, his "other" 4 picks will suffer yet another mid-year swoon in the hands of Coach Robbo.
well, i can't really short the pool THIS year, since we had it out there that we needed 15. It is functionally the same thing (for the person), the question is whether this year's winners lose money... since we all signed up under the 2007 rules, I don't think it is fair to take $100 out of the pool when the conditions werent met.
Tev is Jeff's brother in law... to be honest, when he turned in the picks I told him he could have a mulligan with the Leanord pick if he wanted it... it seemed so ill-advised, and he is a first timer so I thought that he may not have understood the short... we had a little IM discussion, and he said he'd think on it... but he didn't end up changing his mind.
If Leanord rolls an ankle and finishes 250 on the list, he will look like a genius.
I vote for free entry into next year for The Duffer.
Nice to see some of the fellas in line for the Duval Kool-Aid again. What's this year's flavor? Lemon?
hey champ, don't make fun of LAST YEAR's duval pick... it was a huge point maker. This year though... yikes. These folks have a lot of faith in a guy who gave it the old college try in 06 and came up with bupkis.
Yes, it was a huge point maker but still fell short of the heady dreams that went into The Duval Effect post early in the year.
We needed to start the trash talk with someone. I thought DD the perfect candidate.
Damn this blog and it's ability to archive! I was hoping the "Duval Effect" would be forgotten forever. Although it fell short, he still remained one of the best picks.
Picking on Duval isn't even fair. I actually considered shorting him, but that was wayyyyy to risky. He might only drop 5 places.
Of all the teams, I like Krust's the most (other than mine). Dean Wilson short could be a very good pick.
See, I don't like Krust's picks... he frontloaded too much. In this pool, you usually need to strike gold with one or two guys, and that will be hard to do with his team. I guess we'll see.
I like Murph's also, although the Axley short pick is interesting... at 73, it will be hard to move back substantialy, unless the dude really does cough up some furballs.
I'll tell you guys this... you all missed the boat on Pat Perez...
Buzz brings an interesting idea in the last place prize. 50% of your money back. I'd be more for that than 100% back.
Pat Perez was on my short list as was our friend JG. Both were in a "range" of players that I was looking at, but didn't make my cut. By the looks of Axely, my "range" consisted of guys who overachieved last year and have no where to go but down.
Robbo, the idea is not so much a "reward" as it is a way to keep the person in the pool for the next year, and to keep even the bottom feeders interested in the pool as the season goes on. If you have 2 or 3 guys wallowing away in June, they are pretty much dead, and the pool is not an awful lot of fun, other than reading out witty banter. But, if they were still "competing" for something, it would make it more interesting, and would make it more likely that they would join again the NEXT year. The biggest problem in this pool historically is the attrition factor... we've probably had 20 different people play in this thing, but this year we have a record high 13 in the pool.
Maybe it won't keep people around, but it is worth a shot. I am just going to swing the gavel on this one... this year's Duffer Award will come with a free roll into next year. It doesnt cost anyone a penny this year to do that.
Oh, so Da Rodent has taken on the mantle of being the Mike Lupica of the FPGP. Why don't you tell the group about the success of your "big money" wagers in the baseball playoffs, Buzzy? I believe Stevo has a photo of you in a bar in NOLA at the moment of Spezio's shot at Shea.
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