Monday, June 09, 2008


It's that time again.

Me vs. Excal.

5 player teams. Team with the most earnings wins $50. If the winner of the tourney is on your team, that's an extra $50. I'm already down $50 from our Master's bet, but I have the first pick this time around. We'll put our picks in the comments section.


New Texan said...


Anonymous said...

Gee...what a surprise....

Give me Cink..Sank...Sunk

New Texan said...

You just love that Stewart Cink, don't you?

Let's see... I'll take Geoff Ogilvy.

I have to run to a meeting now and probably won't be back for a few hours, so take your time with your 2nd pick.

Anonymous said...

Well, he's playin' pretty good this year. and he seems to do well in US opens.

Give me The Beak - Jimmy Furyk

New Texan said...

Adam Scott...

I will make a caveat here that I am not in love with this pick, but i don't want you to have him either. I don't like that i have 2 guys that are playing with Tiger thur/fri.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....good point. Plus Adam Scott is probably fucking his brains out right now in SoCal so he's already shot his wad X 5. Gotta be disciplined and keep a few bullets in the chamber. Helps the concentration. That's why I only jerked off 3 times last month at your place in Dallas.

Hmmm......Give me Just-in-Time Leonard

New Texan said...

I. Am. Speechless.

Anonymous said...

Speechless because of my pick or, um...becasue of my little mess I left? You don't do the laundry do you?

New Texan said...

Ok, I'm back. Now that I have to add "fumigate the room that Excal stayed in while in Dallas" to my list of things to do this weekend, I'm mentally ready to continue with this bet.

Jeff Quinney

New Texan said...

Actually, it's a dead heat between "disgusted in your story" and "perplexed by your pick"... I love the Lil Dallas Grinder, but how do you pick a guy on a 7600 yard course who can't hit it 250 off the tee? Who's next on your list? Mike Reid? Calvin Peete?

Anonymous said...

No....Boo Weekly

New Texan said...

very interesting... i like that pick.

and with the 5th pick, i will take the limey who burns me every frigging year, but i can't help but pick him... he's my Stewart Cink.

Paul Casey

New Texan said...

Do you have a 5th pick, or are you standing pat with 4 guys?

I dare you to take David Toms.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I think you're one major too early with that pick.

give me.....Vijay

Anonymous said...

I was actually thinkin' of that lil' grinder Toms, but I think he's battling a back injury.

New Texan said...

OK, so I have

G Ogilvy

You have


and a horrific sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Yes....I leave a little bit of me whereever I go...


New Texan said...

I just threw up in my mouth.

Side bet? I'll bet you $10 that Justin Leanord doesn't make the cut.

Anonymous said...


New Texan said...

oh, ye of little faith! why the hell did you pick him 3rd if you couldn't make a bet that he'd make the cut!

Anonymous said...

Because I didn't know that teh course was 7600 yards and he only hits it 250!! That's why I took Scooby Boo Weekly with my next pick!

New Texan said...

Way to do your homework! This is like when you took KC in one of your super bets and Guy said "hmmmmmm... Montana"... 2 years after he retired!

Of course, now that I've run my mouth on this, I've virtually assured a Justin Leanard win as he goes out and has 72 putts for the entire tourney.

bocabandit said...

No love for the smiling Irishman in this contest???

New Tex - I'll take the $10 plunge that Leonard makes the cut (even though I don't have him in any pool).