Tuesday, May 27, 2008

UPDATE 5/27/08

We have a new leader...

360 .... Steve T. / Tex
355 .... Stan the Man
337 .... Tev
336 .... Vic
316 .... Shize
311 .... Shades
263 .... Bandit
256 .... Shane/Jay
220 .... Excal
189 .... MG
185 .... Stevie V.
41 .... CASWAS
-83 .... DTM
-105 .... Johnny V.
-117 .... David / Mark
-178 .... Robbo
-318 .... Ryan

It looks like Da Bandit's move to trade Lil Timmy Clark backfired... ouch.

Remember people, THIS IS THE LAST WEEK TO MAKE A TRADE. If I don't hear from you by Friday, then that's it. You can look at the more fine grained data on the FPGP DATA link on the sidebar, if you need that kind of info to make an informed trade decision.

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