Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Good & Bad of Major Tournaments

Either your short pick is going to hurt/kill your team, or you get lucky enough that they miss the cut and help you a bit. Mr. "phoning-it-in" Appleby just keeps making cuts. Good for him, bad for me. Mr. "10 years of Q-school" Wilson luckily hasn't made too many of these cuts and when he has, he hasn't overachieved. Then there are Woody Austin and some guy named Paul. They try and make other top teams interesting.


New Texan said...

Looks like Excal's team is going to take a severe beating after Goydos' finish. Excal's shortboys sure do play well in the big tourneys!

bocabandit said...

The crash wasn't fatal, but he did sustain severe internal injuries. Intensive Care Unit - No Visitors Allowed At This Time.