But that's not why you are reading this post. The title says "What's in Joel's bag?" Well, take a look.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
What's in Joel's bag?
Well Joel was a great host on Saturday. I had the chance to leave my kids with my wife's aunt and uncle. My kids love going there as they have 4 horses. I had intended to just play a round of golf locally in Charleston, but had an idea of calling Joel to see if he wanted to play. My kids were off my hands for the weekend and my wife was at a conference in San Diego, so I was going to play golf somewhere. So I called Joel and he got permission to play. I think the conversation was, "Hey baby, I'm playing golf with Shades! What?.. Maybe you didn't hear me! I'm golfing with Shades!" or something like that. So I drove up to Columbia (SC) and we played 18 at Indian River. Neither of us played real well. I can't putt to save my life. I mean, it's sick just how bad my putting is. Anyway..after the round, Joel invited me to his home for some great steaks on the grill and many beers. He and his wife let me crash at their home for the night. What a great host and fun time.
But that's not why you are reading this post. The title says "What's in Joel's bag?" Well, take a look.
But that's not why you are reading this post. The title says "What's in Joel's bag?" Well, take a look.
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The definitive piece of evidence that someone is a hacker is that they carry a golf ball retriever in their bag.
did he still have the cooler that was shaped like a 3-wood?
No 3-wood cooler. That was in the side pocket.
One thing that Joel did was drive the ball off the tee well, as in hitting fairways. He was the usual off the tee in length, but he hit just about every fairway.
Oh my! If you look closely at the side of the bag you can see it is emblazened with "Tampax Advisory Staff Member." (rim shot) He should probably spend more early Saturdays on the range instead of making the flea market trips. (rim shot) Hey aren't those the famous 1568 Magna Carta irons, "fit for a king." I haven't seen a set like that since that night at the lake with your ....
Talon, you don't know the half of it!
That said, you probably get more entertainment value from a round of golf with Excal than with anyone else. You never know when he is going to do the fake broken back (not brokeback (rim shot)) trick, the bubba teeth trick, the "this club is a cooler" trick, the "drive your cart into a ditch" trick, the 165 yard 4-wood that doesn't carry a water hazard trick, or of course the "this 4 foot putt for double bogey is good, right?" trick.
Oh, how wicked!!! Oh, yee lil' weasal!! Shades, I wondered why you took a pic of my golf weapons! If only I could'a been as entertaining as New Tex claims. I shoulda' shown up at Indian river in my clasic mime outfit and proceed to talk your ear off.
I was surprised at how easy it was to take that picture. BTW, how much do I owe you for the golf? We definitely need to get together for a round of golf more often. Santee and Sumter are just too close to not tee it up.
Shades, you owe me $25. I'll catch you next time we play. How about early next week?
That might work. I'll give you call sometime this weekend.
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