Thursday, December 06, 2007

Blog Update

I made a template change to take advantage of all the space near the top of the blog. Hopefully this makes the site look cleaner and makes links easier to find. Also, I added "headlines" to the sidebar.


New Texan said...

I like the lighter background...

New Texan said...

I changed it to a shade of blue though... the green was gross.

JS said...

NP. I like the blue. I was going back and forth between the blue and the green.

New Texan said...

You were waffling? Get out of town! I don't believe it, Billary!

JS said...

Easy now. I liked Bill. He too often gets overlooked as being a fiscal conservative. But I want nothing to do with Hill. But this isn't the blog for that discussion.

New Texan said...

yadda yadda yadda tree hugging liberal.

JS said...

Thou who works to help attorney's win legal battles calling me liberal? Who drives the bigger SUV? Who has the better accountant thus paying less taxes? Who exploits the system more than me? If that's what you call liberal, then I'm guilty as charged.

New Texan said...

Who sits and home and sucks off the teet of others??? That is what liberals do!!! hahaha...

And if you think what I do for work defines me as a "liberal" you really need to get your definitions checked. There isn't a liberal in the is biz.

Now go hug a tree, but don't shake the spotted owl out if its nest. I think I'll just idle my gas guzzler in the driveway... screw the environment.

JS said...

If only sitting at home and watching soaps, as only you would do if you could, was an option. I'm raising 2 kids while the wife brings in the bulk of the coin, but it's me who invests it. It's me who is studying the charts and buying/selling to make money the old fashioned the stock market (and it don't have to go up to make money either). Enjoy your 9 to 5er. I'll take my "liberal" lifestyle over answering to the man who watches over your sick days any time.

JS said...

And I'd hug a tree, but I'd rather kill another squirrel that keeps running on the roof of my house. This week it was squirrels 0 - me 1.

New Texan said...

Oh don't get your panties in a wad! Go pour yourself a bath and a Merlot and chillax. I'd bring up that even your wife's job is one in which she lives off the government teet (i.e., federal grants), but that seems like overkill!

Hey book publishing people... alert your psych authors... we have a great new example for their sections on Cognitive Dissonance!

JS said...

And what would you call your St. Louis years? The University of Ill at Eds-ville was a conservative think-tank?

No panties here. I'm o-natural. Gotta go free after a nice bubble bath.

New Texan said...

Ancient history... although thinking of that place as a think-anything is pretty funny, in hindsight. Maybe a think-dixie cup... no way it was a tank.

talonflier said...

Real liberals don't pay taxes, they just convince everyone else to pay their taxes. Kind of like making a living off of a global warming charade, but consuming 50 times the average consumer...though we couldn't be blogging if he hadn't invented the internet.

talonflier said...

Thanks for turning the blog into an FPGP version of "What Not to Wear." Between the thrust for particpation awards, celebrating incompetence, and the background color pallette...this is becoming a little too metro!

New Texan said...

Oh vic... it sounds like you have some "issues".