Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Golf with Tommy "Two Gloves"

I played some golf with Tommy "Two Gloves" today at the course that each of us used to work for in Charleston. I've got to say, that Tommy's game is very much improved from the last time I played with him and even better then when I caddied for him this past spring at the US Open Qualifier in Charleston. Yeah, he can drive the ball a good bit over 300 yards off the tee, but his short game is dead on right now. So although I am a "homer" and pulling for Tommy to do good, I think he could be a nice surprise on the PGA Tour this year if he can keep the space between the ears clear.

BTW, I mentioned to him a JG/New Tex vs "Two Gloves"/Shades best ball match in 2008. I think depending on schedules, that it is doable. JG/New Tex, you up for a little match?


22mg03 said...

Since I'm acting as JG's proxy he says "Anytime you'd like" and that "big guys always beat little guys!"

So, in girl terms that means bring it!

New Texan said...

1. Of course he was playing better with you than when you were caddying for him... you weren't handing him the wrong clubs yesterday.

2. I'm in... no strokes, play from the tips. That means everyone shorty.

New Texan said...

oh... and if you want to do this and make it even more fun, we should play alternate shot... that way we can't hide behind the real players. Plus, it would be fun to watch Tommy play from one of your 240 yard drives, or JG playing from one of my hooks into the trees.

JS said...

Excellent! This might have legs. Let's see how the schedule goes and we can work out the rest.

"Shorty"? If that means I'm more like Fred Funk than John Daly, so be it.