Thursday, March 02, 2006

Beem Me Up!!!

Beemer having a nice mid-afternoon first round... I need a lot of help, this could be the start!!

Rich Beem's Scorecard


bocabandit said...

Sure. And today, we'll probably have to beem you back down, Scotty (I mean Stevie). No wind again today down here. The leader might be 16 under.

New Texan said...

Or, he'll be leading the tourney at -12 (which at the time of this writing, he is).

If you guys scoreboard hawk like I do, keep in mind that mornings scores (as a whole) tend to be better than afternoon scores. When I saw Beemer turn in a good afternoon score yesterday, I I was hopeful he was good for -4 or -5 today. Mornings are softer greens, usually less wind.

Keep on Keepin On Beemer! I know you can handle that Tiger!

New Texan said...

Yup, Beemer finished -5 for the day, -12 overall. It might take 30 under to win, but at least he is in the hunt.

bocabandit said...

A friend at work was down at Doral yesterday and said that the Tiger/Phil/ and yes, the Beemer half of the draw caught a break because the wind was more of a factor mid-morning than in the afternoon.

I hope the cut line stays at 3 under, so that Chrissy "The Sissy" Riley has to pay for his Fat 75 today. I'm sure that Vodo was feeling pretty heady after he opened with a 67.

New Texan said...

You beat me to the punch w/ the Chris Riley sentiment... it might be better if the cut line dips, he is the first dude out tomorrow a.m., he shoots 78, then quits.

SteveV said...

Forget Riley, Todd Hamilton made the cut (his 1st of the year!) and Stephen Ames avoided being DQed again, so things are looking okay ---

New Texan said...

Big shout out to Chris Riley who won this week's "player with best score in round 1 to not make the cut"... way to go Chris.

New Texan said...

beemer still hanging around thru 3 rounds...

i noticed Jimmy "dynomite" walker mailed in a 77 yesterday... he must have been channeling DJ Trahan.

bocabandit said...

Yeah, Vodo, "things are looking okay" as Toddie made a whopping $11,000 this week. Just like the Dynamite Kid, who basically wasted 3 very solid rounds with that 77. Toddie returns to his 1st moment in the sun - the Honda - this week. Maybe I'll follow him for a few holes and heckle. If he misses this cut, you'll have to make a decision about keeping him or that Fat Fuck who evidently doesn't like the food in Florida since he isn't entering any tourneys.Your team is on the verge of collapsing and it's barely March.