I think it is time for his hot ass wife to start "witholding" from him. No cut, no nookie! Something needs to be done to get this shit stain to concentrate. Seriously... this is simple operant conditioning... if he shoots 78 and still gets to bang her, who could blame the guy? However, if she has a "69 or better and you get 69 or better..." now that could be truly inspirational, motivating, and effective.
I should write a golf book.
Brilliant! Your scheme would be far more effective than him shelling out big bucks for sessions with quacky sports psychologists (Is that a non-discipline or what! Didn't we use to call them coaches?). I bet a young stud like him has a website. You might send an e-mail to his wife with this insight.
One of my friends is a sports psychologist... he may join the pool next year. He is a real one though... not some booky/academic.
Damn... that was like you saying "oh look! A car accident!" and me turning my head. Yeah, I checked on the possibility of a website.
Here it is:
He calls himself "Badds"... we need to make fun of this.
It gets worse... this is what happens when you follow links in the Badds site... turns out he is a fucking Jesus Freak.
"I said, 'This is for you Jesus,' and knocked it in," Baddeley said.
Seriously... you can't make this shit up... here is the link to the full story:
"This is for you Jesus?" What the hell is that supposed to mean? I mean with all the things that the Messiah has going on, are we to believe he really cared about Baddeley's putt? I swear, if I knew he was a Freak, I wouldn't have picked him. Damnit. Note to self... more complete due diligence before next year's picks.
Aaron Badd's making a nice shot
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