Welcome to the blog JG59... it is great to have you. I hope you understand that we poke fun, because we love. In fact, we have a great deal in common with you... for example:
1. No one in this pool is currently in the top 130 on the PGA Tour Money List.
2. No one in this pool works on the weekend.
See, that is two things we have in common... so let's all just get along. In fact, we would love for you to join our pool next year... if it is ethically possible of course. To be safe, make sure you don't "short" (rules are posted on the right) yourself, even though that might be the easiest pick to make.
Oh, and if you see that AssFuck Baddeley around, tell him to drop the bible, grab his clubs, and hit the damn driving range. I can break 80 from the back tees at that fucking course, so I expect a little more out of "Badds." Thanks.
how did you get back to Cali so fast? I can track where these posts come from...
Pop Quiz: who did you play with during the first two rounds of the Byron Nelson? I was there, and saw you, so if you can answer this correctly, we may actually believe this is the real Jason Gore.
Nice try wannabe... I was at the TPC on Friday and saw "you." ButterTits is hard to miss.
I am disappointed... I was really hoping that this was the real Jason Gore. Damnit.
Wow... talk about pathetic. Not sure who this is, but they have enough time on their hands to make 2 blogger IDs and try to create a conversation.
I use a service to track who pageloads this blog, just to know when the FPGPers are checking in and what not. The beauty is that it gives the person's IP address... and JG59 and 2MG03 have the same IP address... so, you are either the same, pathetic person, or Jason Gore and you are using the same computer, perhaps while eating a dozen or so hot dogs.
This is great...
OK "Mrs. Butterworth.. er, uh... Gore..." each computer has a unique IP address, but thanks for playing along.
JG... i am fascinated by your obsession with our little blog... very flattering. You have over 45 page loads today, with one in the middle of the night. What gives? Lonely? Mrs. Gore not give it up anymore? No donuts in the pantry?
You "guys" are killing me... good stuff really.
"Jason" shouldn't you be working on your game?
"Mrs. Gore" shouldn't you be in the kitchen frying up something for lunch?
Oh, and to keep up the insanity...
I was at the tee of the 17th, the par 3 over the pond.
Yes, that is what I will do... tell ya what "Jason" as soon as you make another cut, I'll post my phone number on the blog for you to call. Of course, by then we may just be communicating with our minds and not need the technology, but oh well.
Good enough... tell Diane I am sorry about the Mrs. Butterworth comment.
my mistake...
you guys have a digital camera?
end the debate... snap a quick photo and send it to us...
No problem... pal.
actually, i'd prefer one of the you two pigs holding up today's newspaper... any idiot can get that photo online.
Well, my interest is piqued... post a pic of the two of you holding up today's paper, like they do with hostages, and we'll all send a big "sorry"
what is this tiny url thing?
About time this blog is worth it. Just in case jg59 is Jason Gore, welcome to the blog. You're a cult figure here, sort of.
I didn't pick you on my team, so I don't follow you that much. But if you could teach Sergio how to putt, I'd appreciate it.
Again, it is compelling, but it is not real evidence... no way of knowing how you have those photos, where you found them, etc. Give us a good head shot of you and JG with a objective time marker, like the newspaper, and I promise this... you'll have an entirely new fan base... if JG is as cool as he sounds about us goofing on him, he is about to be loved by all.
We need the real proof though... something you can't just pull off the internet.
If jg59 is Jason, can we get him in the FPGP pool next year. It would be fun to see his picks and his short pick (which can not be his, as we don't want him fixing the pick).
2mg03, we'd want your picks too. Just to see who knows the golfers skills better, you or Jason.
professional golfers "play golf with the boys?" Really?
I really hope this is Jason Gore now... and I'll make this offer to you both... if it IS, you have a place to stay during next year's Nelson, and we'll have a full retraction of our mean posts... if you are just poser with too much time on your hands (who am I to talk... geesh), we'll continue the insanity.
better yet... a picture with you two holding up a piece of paper with "Hi FPGPers" would probably do the trick... of course, it could be photoshopped, considering that you have a good bit of time on your hand.
Well "Mrs. Gore" if that is you... sorry for the "pig" comment...
Send us a nice headshot now... if you have a digital camera handy... a little "FPGP ROCKS" sign would do it... I know what you look like, so that would help settle the debate.
PGA pro on an executive course? What course is it? My curiosity is piqued in many directions.
Send us a pic Meg...
Well... it certainly does look like you... get me one w/ JG later, and I am going to be very impressed...
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