Friday, November 09, 2007

FPGPers Unite!!!

Say it loud and say it proud:

60-30-10 .....

For all of the common folk of the FPGP, let's make a statement for fairness and the American, I mean Polish way (sans da Boca Pole). Let's unite for the suggested change from 70-30-10 payout to a 60-30-10 split of the FPGP pot. It's a minor request (just a wafer).

To the Stalins and Machiavellis (selfish f --- ks) in this pool (and you know who you are) go see The Grapes of Wrath, read some writings by Samuel Gompers, sing a line or two from Joe Hill, listen to Huey Long's speehes about his "Share The Wealth" program. Get a conscience, throw the rest of us a bone or two (2nd place finisher anyway) ---

I call on other FPGPers to organize and support the 60-30-10 movement! I know Bimma, from a solid union state, is supportive. Robbo is from Italian heritage where strikes are as common as bowl movements. Johnny V. is a kind, compassionate person who loves to share his fortunes (except when it comes to women).
FPGPers of the world, awaken!


BostonBimma said...


In regards to Johnny V. and sharing the women, I am assuming you refer to your brother? If so, he did share (well, I should say I borrowed one) at the Monkey Hill Classic, although I don't think he was aware of it!!! :)

New Texan said...

Vodo, it is a good thing you do not teach math... or economics... how does one come up with a 70-30-10 split? You do realize that the phrase "giving 110% effort" is just a euphemism, right? You really can't get more than 100%.

New Texan said...

And what exactly is a "bowl" movement?

I think that if you want to impress the voters, you should probably spell check your propoganda!!

JS said...

OK, OK, I'm back in Red State Facist mode. First let me ask, did we always pay 3rd place? Tells you about how good my teams have been. Back to point. We should not give last place a free ride after this year. Getting something for finishing last should be something kind of half-assed. So don't let the loser play for free the following year, but make them pay half or give them $20 off. Something says that their team was not just bad, but the worst. That even a team with 2 guys that didn't make a single cut (Craig and Hank) finished ahead of you. And for that we give you $20 off the next year. Then put that remaining $80 into the pool and that's what 3rd place gets. Then with whatever is left in the pool it goes 80-20 to 1st and 2nd.

This way we don't reward last, we don't fully reward the bronze metal winner either. First or closer to first than everyone else gets a real profit check.

talonflier said...

Adam Smith, Adam Smith, Adam Smith. No particpation trophies please, that is why we have a bunch of 18 year olds who crumble the first time a prof reams them out for piss poor performance...what we all don't get As? These poor, entitlement brats can't take 30 seconds of a Voodoo blistering, profanity-laden, personal assessment of their chance at passing and/or procreating. I say again, $100 to 3rd, divide the remainder 70-30 between 1st and 2nd, no handouts to tailend charlie other than an extra swap in-season next year. 60-30-10 and a $100 for last, next you'll telll me that human activity is the main cause of global warming...does anybody have beans and franks anymore...sheesh!

talonflier said...

Hell, even if he is a Red Sox fan, New Tex ought to get 90% scaled in beacuse of his margin of victory. I think bowl movement is asking for someone to slide the "unending pasta bowl" over at Olive Garden so you can get to your 6th breadstick. Adding to 110 is exactly the liberal math that gets us 6trillion dollar deficits, though the last Republican Congress wasn'y any better.

SteveV said...

So, you wankers noticed a few typos. Back to the payout. Giving the 2nd palce person a bit more seems reasonable to me (that's all the proposed chage does). The PGA gives a relatively decent percentage payout to 2nd and it's not considered as an "entitlement" that Stalinist Vic is describing.

I also think that one of Shades suggestions is fine; give last place 1/2 off the entry fee for the following year. Keep 3rd place in the money though. It's all most of us can hope for!

Hey Bimma, that girl that you're referring to was actually a guy named Earl --- sorry. He/she thanks you for the nice bowel movement.

New Texan said...

Just to be clear, because I know that at least one of you wankers is incapable of reading and forming a coherent thought (Shades)... the Duffer (Tev) did not get a free ride into next year's pool. He won $100. He's elected to put that into next year's pool. So, the bottom line is that this Duffer thing cost ME the most... $70 this year. It would have been another 20 and 10 for Bandit and Excal, respectively.

Thus, the reason I did it this way is because the bulk of the cost would be taken by the person who ALREADY WON THE POOL. It has no effect on anyone the following year, unless of course they decided to not come back... and even then, the $100 incentive would not be the cause.

I'm glad to remove the Duffer altogether... it doesn't really matter.

I propose this

$100 off the top for 3rd place... basically, you get your entry fee back.

Of the remaining pot, 70% to the winner, 30% to 2nd place. No nuthin' for last place.

And remember, this is not a democracy... it's a (so far) benevolent dictatorship! I'm like George Bush... I don't need no stinkin' mandate just to act like I have one!

SteveV said...

That sounds good to me Fuhrer, I mean New Tex.

JS said...

You can call it a free ride or $100 reward for finishing last. You and I both know that $100 was going back into the pool as an entry fee. So let's move beyond that and back to the issue. I'm now proposing even more to the 1st and 2nd place finishers and now YOU are saying no to that. Total Pool $$ minus 80 for 3rd and $20 for last leaves more for 1st and 2nd. If you don't support a higher payout for 1st and 2nd, then there is nothing I can do to change your liberal donations to those that finish in 3rd or last.

Anonymous said...

Hear Yee, Hear Yee, Hear Yee!!

This is your spiritual leader, the founder of the FPGP! I have been to the mountain, dressed as a mime, and I have seen the future!

All this quibbling about money and payouts makes the Ryder Cup boys seem like philanthrapists! Before we fall into the abyss of greed, rise up I say, rise up! Ask not what the FPGP can do for you, but what, ...well, you know the rest.

As DEVO says...
"Are we not men?...We are FPGPers."

ps...New Tex, where's my check?

New Texan said...

Shades flip flops more often than a Clinton. We've paid 3rd place for a while now... in the inaugural year, it was winner take all... but as we've grown, so have the payouts.

Excal... I'll be sending out the monies this week, as soon as I shave my scrotal area... I was stuck at work actually doing work most of the week and couldn't get to it. Fear not, your $37 will find it's way to you soon. If you want me to just send 2 cases of Labatt's I can do that also.

Stevie... that's more like it. Fuhrer is good... "Champ" is also nice.

That's the last time I put anything to a vote on this stupid blog... the problem with public opinion, is well... everyone has a damned opinion.

$100 to 3rd
70/30 split on the remaining pot for 1st/2nd.

So it is written. So it shall be done.

SteveV said...

All hail New Tex and the chariot he rode in on!

talonflier said...

Good plan New Tex! Don't take that crap from Voodoo, fine him. I also think there should be hefty punishment for anyone quoting DEVO.

JS said...

Excellent resolution. I have no idea why I even got into this discussion.

BTW, if I pick Perks again for 2008 is his money list number the last + 1?

New Texan said...

No... a player has to be on the money list. So this will save you the effort of picking the likes of Perks and Kuehne again.

bocabandit said...

Lord Almighty! Shades seriously considering picking Perks again!!??? For what, the Lafayette, LA local pro Sunday skins games in 2008? Even there, I'm sure that there are a few twenty something cajun boys waiting to pick his pocket. That's like the Cardinals asking Rick Ankiel to become a starting pitcher again.

By the way, now that the final tally is in, I understand that Voodoo's lovely wife has made coffee off limits for him. As those of us who greatly appreciate a certain movie know, coffee's for closers!

New Texan said...

No shit... In a four man scramble, I'd take a team of me, JG, Vic and Excal (hitting from the ladies tees) over Kuehne, Perks, Gutchek and Schultz.

As for the Glengarry comment... well played. I think his Vodo's ABC is "Always Be Choking".

talonflier said...

Put on you big girl panties, next year is going to be unleashed.

JS said...

HA! I'm writing this year's FPGP off just as fast as the banks are writing off all the bad home loans. I've even started doing my homework for picking next years team. Last season it was a few day prior to the start and a few beers into into drinking. That said, I may also keep my streak alive.