Yes, it was back in the early 90's when I first met, a-hum, New Tex. He was an ugly prick with a nasty-to-watch golf swing that was better then his stats skills. And I doubt it's any different today. But I would like to personally let, a-hum, New Tex know how proud I am to see him finally succeed in something...even if it is just this little golf pool. More studying, more stats and less smokin' the weed n'drinking in Five Points and you could have been a real winner. So this will have to do!
For the outsiders on this one, that is New Tex's graduate sponsor Doctor Randy Engle.
Wow... that is an all-time stretch.
I had a few beers in me and while seaching for porn on the internets, his picture came up. I thought I'd have some fun with it.
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