Sunday, April 16, 2006


Data to the right will be updated late Monday. It's a holiday afterall. No, not Easter Sunday. Patriots Day Monday. Red Sox 1st pitch at 11:05am.


New Texan said...

dont forget to put the spreadsheet up also... people need to see the details, now that trade deadline is approaching

New Texan said...

Ok, that post just passed Boca Bandit's for "comment of the year."

If Jeff doesnt get off his butt and post the spreadsheet, I'll start sending it as an email attachment.

bocabandit said...

Yes, indeed. I tip my cap to talonflier.

They can beat us because they have more muscular thighs.

There was a clinic earlier this year at my home course in Delray Beach. Morgan showed up all in white. My lord, such a pretty face on someone who now looks like a 2 pizza with the works per day gal.