Monday, April 10, 2006

Master's Side Bet - Results

Sorry Joel, but I took you for the full hundo. I actually thought it would be a split, but the numbers don't lie, and you can check the numbers:

Your team:
1. Goosen (-4) $315,700
2. Singh (-3) $210,000
3. Ollazabel (-4) $315,700
4. Campbell (-4) $315,700
5. Furyk (+3) $67,000

Total: $1,224,100

My team:
1. Mickleson (-7) $1,260,000

The rest of my team made the cut, but it doesn't matter because Mickelson made more than your team combined. So, I win:

$50 for "which team makes more money" bet and;
$50 for "picking the winner."

We'll do it again in June w/ the US Open I assume... you can pick first.


New Texan said...

Maybe... there were so many people carving that pie, it might not have made a difference... I still had 4 players who made some cash, but didn't bother looking at what it was.

That being said, I was cheering for Clark and Tiger to get ahead of your guys, but not catch Phil. There was a time when I thought I could lose the full hundo... you had 4 dudes within striking distance to Phil, and I was pretty sure I was going to lose the "total money bet" anyway... I didn't realize the Master's payoff was so top heavy. Hell, I nearly posted a "push" blog here, but then I figured I better add it up to be sure.

bocabandit said...

Wow. High Rollers - 100 clams on a side bet. This is a fitting time to make mention that Buzz Buzzardly, a.k.a. Da Rodent, made his betting debut under that monicker with a Masters sidebet using the CBS Sportline contest as the means for team selection.

Reminiscent of Mussolini boldly predicting victory over the Ethiopians, "Buzzy" confidently predicted victory over Da Bandit and Vodo after Saturday's finish.
Although still in the thick of it heading into Sunday's back nine, his team ignominuously collapsed, which brings me to another point.

Watching the final round as me sipped me pint in a London pub, I couldn't help but think of the papapsychological notion that a player could take on the traits (read: swing) of the fan who is rooting the most passionate for the player's success. As Rocco did his ball rinsing act on 12, he increasingly morphed into Robbo as me sipped me pint. By the time he holed out for his glorious 10, I could only turn to my neighbors to pronounce that I have played with that lad many a time. Fine player indeed, but gags like one of Her Majesty the Queen's corgies on a chicken bone at the sight of water. The island green at Tiger Point, eh Robbo, Buzz, Rodent?

We shall see if he can hold his lead in the FPGP.

New Texan said...

bandit, that is the frontrunner for "blog comment of the year."

bocabandit said...

Thank you, thank you. My team's so woeful - Byrd's hurt, Allenby's out, Chas III appears to be doing a Duval imitation - I've got to amuse myself somehow with my FPGP time. The schadenfreude experience of watching Mediate on 12 (Robbo had him and Mickelsen) was priceless.