Sunday, December 18, 2005


The rules for 2006 can be found by clicking here. For the most part, I did not change anything, but there are a few tweaks. Since I was the only person to take any amount of initiative, I am not going to entertain discussion NOW about the rules.

You can find the link on the sidebar to the right as well, and it will stay up there permenantly.

I was trying to get this formatted as a web page, but ran into some formatting issues... for now it is just posted as a Word document which you can open or save, but I hope to get that issue resolved.

As was mentioned in several previous emails, all updates will be posted to this blog. The return of Jumpin Jeff brings with it server space, and as such I can just post the updates to his server. When I make updates I will send them to him to put on his server, and they will become available to you.

Good luck everyone and do not forget to get your picks in to me on time... and your checks too! The former commish was WAY TOO LENIENT on this, and I will not be.

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