Tuesday, September 02, 2008

UPDATE 9/2/08

Tev grabbed some breathing room this week...

409 .... Tev
390 .... Steve T. / Tex
362 .... Jeff / Shades
354 .... Shane/Jay
257 .... Stan the Man
254 .... Bandit
240 .... Vic
240 .... Shize
218 .... Stevie V.
152 .... Excal
146 .... MG
145 .... Johnny V.
80 .... CASWAS
12 .... DTM
-57 .... David / Mark
-85 .... Robbo
-205 .... Ryan


JS said...

I need this playoff thing to end. I only have 5 horse left in the field and 2 of those are my short picks.

And has anyone else noticed that Phil Mickelson sucks at golf now. If he's the top US golfer then we should just give the Ryder Cup to the Eur-o-not-Scottish players.

New Texan said...

I actually thought that you'd lose 3rd place by the time the playoffs were over... Shane has many horses still playing, while you have virtually nothing on your 3rd place team.

If we take 10 points in the Ryder Cup, it will be a miracle.

JS said...

I'd consider it a victory if I could stay in the top 3 when the playoffs are done. Still a good bit of silly season tournaments left. The O-Man still has a chance to play in Hawaii in early January.

bocabandit said...

Fight on, Shades. If Vandy can do it, so can you. :-)

You guys must be in mourning. Tough way to start a SEC season.

New Texan said...

Thanks Bandit... I wasn't expecting to think about that f'n game when I clicked on this comment link.

bocabandit said...

Always willing to kick someone when they're down. Why the hell not?

As a deadskin fan, I'm in the gutter myself today. Positively less than pathetic.

New Texan said...

Ouch... they are miserable to watch.

JS said...

I was accepted to go to East Carolina before I took the acceptance to go to South Carolina. ...aw damn it. Even I can't buy my own backwards logic on this one. The Gamecocks suck. Fire Spurrier!!!!!!!!! Hire Holtz, Skip Holtz that is.