Monday, August 25, 2008

UPDATE 8/25/08

It's getting ridiculously close... Tev has a 4 point advantage for 1st place, and Shades' hold on 3rd place has shrunk to 5 points...


JS said...

Playoffs? I love the playoffs. Having not followed "the tour" for the last 2 months, I thought yesterday's golf was awesome.

For the record, how the hell does Kevin Southerland hit the ball. Anyone that hunched over should not be able to play golf.

JS said...

Southerland / Sutherland.
10-speed / 12-speed.

New Texan said...

I didn't see any of it this weekend, but I kept my eye on the leaderboard...

I'll probably jinx this but I was wondering how your 3rd place lead would hold up during these playoffs... you're roster is not exactly full of Fed Ex Cup threats, but Shane's team has a bunch of guys who will play in a bunch of tourneys, most likely. He's been closing the gap a little each week, and now he is right on your back.

New Texan said...

Oh, and you put up the wrong update... those numbers are from last week.

JS said...

Hmmm. I pulled it from the spreadsheet you sent me on Monday. The old info is still on my dead laptop.

Let's try it again next week.