Sunday, June 15, 2008


To, well... me for taking Excal down in our US Open bet and squaring our season up.

And to The Shize, for shorting Rocco Mediate. Way to pick 'em rook!


The Shize said...

It was a great pick excluding the last three weeks. I know one thing for sure you should never pick two short guys for this thing. You never know what could hapen. I mean a guy like Paul Goydos could go out an win a tourney an ruin any hopes of of a title shot. You can go ahead and put me down for Rocco as my short for next season.

New Texan said...

yeah, picking 2 shorts never works... wait, I won this thing last year picking 2 shorts, and that was the first year we allowed 2 shorts... hmmmmm...