Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bandit: The Last Man With Balls

During my thread with Excal in which we were making our U.S. Open picks, I commented on the absurdity of taking Justin Leonard. I even offered Excal a $10 side bet that the Texas Grinder wouldn't make the cut. And, Excal summarily rejected my offer.


You pick a guy with the 3rd pick in your draft, and then won't take a $10 bet on him MAKING THE CUT? Although Excal claims to "leave a little of himself behind wherever he goes" I am wondering if this is possible without functioning testicles.

However, Da Bandit emailed me this morning and said he'd take the bet, and of course when one honorable Pollack offers another honorable Pollack such a wager, the second honorable Pollack will accept. Hold on, I'm confused. Which Pollack am I? Oh, nevermind...

The bet is on, only with Da Bandit. $10. Will Justin Leanoard make the cut? I say yes, he say's no.

Thanks for a little action Bandit, and thanks even more for showing how PATHETIC Excal is.


bocabandit said...

Wait a second. This is turning into a Pollack joke! I said Yes, and you said No, honorably of course.

What psychologist in the FPGP wants to research and write the journal article on Excal's bizarre behavior in this matter? I might even be willing to help fund it.

New Texan said...

Hey, I said "yes"... the bet is on!

Pole on Pole humor is perfectly acceptable. It's like when black guys call each other the n-word. It's all cool.

Now, as for Excal's behavior... it is amazing. Coming from a statistical area, I see it like this...

Excal already wagered $10 that JL will do very well. I derive this by simply dividing the total wager $50 by the number of players picked, which is 5. As such, it's reasonable to assert that we're individually betting $10 on each of our guy's success.

So, despite already saying "I'll bet you $10 that JL will do VERT WELL in this tourney", Excal is unable to say "I'll bet you another $10 that he makes the cut". If anything, my offer gave him a real nice hedge against JL. He didn't have to do VERY WELL, he just had to do slightly better than average, and his investment is returned.

The only psychological theory I can bring to explain this behavior is the "Joel is a flip-flopping wanker theory". Although it's an anecdotal theory without much support in the academic literature, I think it applies here.

SteveV said...

Although not empirical in nature, ol' Sigmund Freud connected gambling with masturbation (e.g., wanking) and that it could actually be used as a replacement for it. So, if you reverse this, Joel simply decided not to bet and instead opted to "shake hands with the unemployed."

New Texan said...

Interesting analysis Stevie... thanks for the insight. Conversely, if the Canadian Wank was true to his word and he wore himself out at my house, he may not have had enough bullets left in the chamber, so to speak, to pony up for another bet.

Bandit... check out our people! Who the hell gave Pollacks the right to fly commercial jets in the first place?,2933,365858,00.html

bocabandit said...

We need to clear things up before he tees off and I rush to catch a plane. I took the bet that Excal waltzed away from, i.e., that his third pick WILL make the cut.

Good to hear from the Voice of Bangkok.

New Texan said...

Yes, yes... I was confused by the way you phrased your comment. You're saying JL makes the cut, I'm saying he won't. $10.

buzz said...

hey stevie, shouldn't you be off somewhere getting a towel job? Joel 'Da Jism' excal would probably like a detailed analysis...

New Texan said...

It's amazing how fast this blog can deteriorate...

Stevie V. is in Bangkok? Really? What kind of academic boondoggle is this?

talonflier said...

Steve has secured a grant to study the psychosexual behavior of fat German men in speedos.

SteveV said...

I'm being rewarded for all my years of hard work and sacrifice. Nah, even I don't believe that. I'm giving a series of lectures on various topics in I-O psychology at Chulalonghorn University in Bangkok (the country's 1st university).

More importantly, Excal couldn't handle it hear; unless he'd still be unwilling to part with 10 bucks. It puts Amsterdam to shame in many respects. Of course, I've just read and heard about this stuff.

New Texan said...

Cool... a little appreciation of the Hawthorne Effect will go a long way towards upping the production in those sweat shops. Keep up the good work.

New Texan said...

Looks like the Lil Texas Grinder will make it into the weekend... i always forget about that stupid 10 shot rule, so now he looks like a lock even though he's outside the top 60.

Anonymous said...

My oh my....I bowout of one lil' bet and look what a stir it casues!!

Bangkok is great Vodo. Even seen a girl smoke a cigarrete out of her pussy wiht a ping pong ball up her ass? No? You will. That's serious I-O psychology

ps...suckie suckie in more than $5

New Texan said...

You should write children's books.

JS said...

All the psychologist talk and am I the only one at CPDD in San Juan this week?