Monday, January 14, 2008

2 Suggestions for the FPGP 2008

1. [Don't shoot my moderate-left heart]Would anyone else want to second or third that we donate all the trade fees to the charity of the winner's choice?

2. FPGP meet-up, golf, drink, golf, drink, etc. We tried to get a get together for Myrtle Beach last year, but that was like pulling teeth. So here's the deal. Who wants to meet up in Vegas? I'm thinking late July or early August. "It's hot in July and August", so what? We live in an era of global warming. It's hot everywhere. So if you're interested, let me know and I'll start putting together the details.


New Texan said...

1. We are not donating anything this year... people signed up without this intent. That said, if someone wins and wants to donate some money if they win, so be it. Also, if you want to put this up for 2009, so be it. But we don't change the rules in the middle.

2. Good luck setting that up. The good thing about Vegas in the middle of the summer is that it is cheaper and there are fewer people around, so I'd be interested. But I am not buying any plane tix until this gets real traction.

JS said...

I can agree with your #1. I'll bring it up later this year for 2009.

As for Vegas, I think it could get some traction. It might just start with you and me, but I'd think that Excal would go again. Excal? You in? I'd have to check with Tev, but he'd likely go and play golf with us while there. Any of you newbies up for golf in Vegoose?

JS said...

Tev's in for the FPGP in Vegas. Late July/early Aug when Vegas is cheap. Sure it's hot, but we will only be outdoors to golf, otherwise it's drink and gamble indoors.

Anonymous said...

Not a good time. I think we'll be in Europe. How'bout MB in the springtime?

buzz said...

shades, where's my 25 from last year?

JS said...

Buzz, I had forgotten about that one. Send New Tex your email address to pass on to me and I can send you a check or send the cash via paypal.

Excal, VEGAS BABY! We can go sooner? Maybe late April? Tev will already be in Vegas so if a few of the newbies can get on a flight from the mid-west and a few Floridians can catch a flight out, we could get 2 four-somes.

New Texan said...

Myrtle Beach is a non-starter for me, but I'd entertain other places... Vegas, RT Jones Trail, etc. Late April no good either.

bocabandit said...

Vegas/R T Trail in April or May works for me. July and August due to work travel unless.... someone wants to schedule the event for Montreal or Vancouver.

The FPGP is for winning non-taxable income. I'm not keen on the charity donation idea. What's the point? We're not the NFL giving to the United Way. If someone wants to donate their winnings, fine do it.